Monday, April 18, 2011

I Adored Her.

April 18th.
Today marks 11 years, 11 long years, without my Grandma.
It never gets any easier. In fact, as I get older, it may just get harder.
There are so many little moments, and now quite a few big ones, that I wish I could share with her.
Most of all, I wish she was here to meet Mono. She would have loved him and I know he would have really loved her. Who didn't?!
And I wish she was here to see me walk down the aisle on my wedding day in October. If I could have anybody there, it would be her.

We cannot be assured who is in Heaven or when they are getting there, but I'm pretty sure she is. I still pray for her, just in case she isn't there yet, but I have a feeling she's up there, looking down on us all.

Some of you know her, some of you may not, but she was an amazing woman. I am beyond blessed to have had thirteen years with her. I wish it could have been more because there was so much more I would have liked to have learned from her. I hope for those of you that did know my Grandma, that she touched your lives in even a small way. And for those of you who never met her, I wish you could have. You would have loved her... and she would have loved you too!

I'll never forget the years of memories we shared together.
The birthdays and holidays. Summer afternoons swimming with her in the pool. Family vacations. Grocery shopping. Sleep overs. Every little moment, I will remember.
I will never forget when she first got sick or the days I sat there in the hospital praying she would get better real soon.
I will never forget making phone calls of such excitement when we heard she was going to be okay.
I will never forget when she took that turn for the worse.
And I will never forget the last time I saw her… our last good bye.
That last smile. That last little wave.
It took all her energy, but she did it.
I wish the rest of my cousins had that moment with her like I did.
I knew that was it.
It was terribly hard for my little heart to handle, and it still is, but I am so glad we had our goodbye.
And I will never forget the night I heard the news that she was no longer with us.
I will never forget all she taught me.
I will never forget her deep love for her Faith and how she lived it out every single day.
I will never forget her smile. Or her laugh.
I will never forget her endless heart of generosity.

I will never forget her.

Grandma, I will love you forever. I hope you are up in Heaven looking down on all of us. I know I'm not the only one deeply missing you here, but I think you are in a much better place.

I only hope I can become half the woman she was. A heart of gold, of endless giving, of deep and holy faith, of incredible love and smiles galore... and some great cooking/baking might I add.

And don't miss my Wedding! 10:30 am on October 1st! Be there or be square! ;) Bring Grandpa too!!

1 comment:

  1. I remember your Grandmother and the love she poured into her family and the rest of us. I can still see her sitting in her house in Rockville Center. It brought her so much joy to have her sons and her sweet daughter and their friends crowded around her. It was all about the love.
