I have had the loveliest birthday today. Turning 25 has been real nice. We started the day by going out to breakfast... the four of us. Mono came over and went with Mom, Dad and I for a quick bite to eat, then we opened presents...
Here are a few snapshots while I was opening my great gifts.
Clothes, a cup cake carrier (in one of my favorite colors!), a cheese and cracker tray from Pottery Barn and a set of glass candle sticks from Mom and Dad...
And... Drum roll please... Black glossy wellies from Mono! Not only did I get the blue pair I had my eyes on (from my aunt, uncle and cousins), but I got the black pair I really wanted too! I never expected either pair, especially the black ones from Mon! He always gives the best presents! I wanted to wear these so badly today but it was way too hot - nearly 80, maybe higher!
Party time! I made my decorations and hung them up yesterday, ready for today's festivities!
Baking my purple velvet cupcakes... and enjoying a taste with my Mom!
Mon and I :)
The center piece... looks yummy! :)
Make a wish!
Blow them out!!

My wonderful birthday crown from Jillian!! Thanks! You're the greatest!! :)
An ending to a great night... J really wanted a cupcake. My poor little guy. And now, cuddling up with my our Mon. :)
Though I would like to write a lot more, I am exhausted. I have had a very full and wonderful day. So many people have called, sent me text messages, messages on facebook, etc... I am so loved and I thank you all for it.
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