Thursday, January 28, 2010

From Sweet Home Alabama To Sweet Home Chicago!

Am I on a roller coaster or an airplane?!
This is the BuMpIeSt flight I’ve ever been on and ever hope to be on again!!!!!!!!!!  I am dying here.  I am glad I can type with my eyes closed because THEY ARE!!!!!  We are flying through a bad storm ad we have to get though it… hopefully pretty fast.  Mono has his hands up like he is on a troller coaster.  He thinks this is pretty cool…. I think it is super freaky!!!  Okay, I can open my eyes now.  We seem to be through it – for now!
So, Mono and I are on our way to spend a week or so with my best friend and her family.  I am super excited to be going up there again.  I haven’t been to Chicago in over two years!!  We have lots to catch up on and LOTS to do! :)
There is this new thing at the Sears Tower (well, it’s no longer the Sears Tower, but I don’t know its new name.  It will always be the Sears Tower to me)… It’s a glass box that sticks out of the side of the building.  I am really looking forward to going there one of the days we are in the city.  I’m not sure if I will be completely excited or I will freak out a little being that it looks like nothing is under me!  What if it falls? ;)   haha-  But it should be fun!
I will have to post about my trip while I’m up here or wait and have one long one when I get home.  We shall see!!
So, this is random, but I have to tell you about the lovely adventures my new WHITE North Face fleece has had.  It’s one of those soft fuzzy ones.  Well it started out that I was up at Church one night and I had my arms leaning on my thighs and I ended up catching a glance of a now blue sleeve!  The dye from my jeans bled onto my white fleece.  The whole arm part that touched my jeans (from my elbow down) turned bright blue!  I nearly died.  I thought that was the end of my jacket.  But thankfully after two washes pretty much all of it came out.  It had a little down the seams, but that was a considerable amount faded compared to what it had been. I  figured I could live with it.  Then I talked to a friend of mine the next day to see if she knew of a trick how to get the rest of the dye out and she gave me some pointers.  So the following day I went to the store to get what I needed.  It wasn’t until later that night that I got it so I was going to wait until the next day to do anything with it.  Now it is Monday and I was planning on running a few errands and having lunch with Mono, then heading back home to wash my fleece.  Well, before I knew it, my nose started to bleed – pouring out all over my jacket!!!!!!  ( Oh, peanut break!! )  So now I have blue dye from my jeans as well as blood.  Thankfully when I got home I used the cleaners my friend told me to use and now… my jacket is back to it’s old self.  :)   One problem… things usually come in threes for me.  Am I going to have another fleece disaster?  I hope not!!

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