Hello sweet blogging friends!
I hope 2011 brought you all much love and wonderful memories and I pray 2012 brings twice the fun and blessings to you! I have some goals for myself for the new year. A big word for me for the new year... simplify. More for my heart, mind and soul, but also for my life. I'll post more about it when things quiet down a bit. I also haven't been keeping up with posting my 365 pictures lately, but I have them, and will post those too, when things quiet down.
Best part of 2011... Marrying my Mon. What was yours?
So, to all of you, have a very Happy New Year!
2012, I am so ready for you.
89. memories of a year gone by
90. the fresh start of a new year
The best part of my 2011 was preparing for 2012 ;-)!