Saturday, December 31, 2011

10 Minutes to Go

Hello sweet blogging friends! 
I hope 2011 brought you all much love and wonderful memories and I pray 2012 brings twice the fun and blessings to you! I have some goals for myself for the new year. A big word for me for the new year... simplify. More for my heart, mind and soul, but also for my life. I'll post more about it when things quiet down a bit. I also haven't been keeping up with posting my 365 pictures lately, but I have them, and will post those too, when things quiet down. 

Best part of 2011... Marrying my Mon. What was yours?

So, to all of you, have a very Happy New Year! 
2012, I am so ready for you.

89. memories of a year gone by

90. the fresh start of a new year

Friday, December 30, 2011

On the Road Again 364.365

This trip up north, visiting our family and friends has us bouncing from house to house, town to town and even state to state. We are heading back from New York to Mono's family's house and making a stop to see some dear friends in northern Maryland. I can't wait to see everyone!!!!

86. shorter drives (anything under the 12 hours from AL to MD is awesome)

87. visits with dear friends
88. the beauty of ice, frozen on the size of mountains (couldn't get a good, clear picture)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

This is How I Feel 363.365

We are celebrating Christmas again today. This time in New York with my family. I'm exhausted and would love to be in J's position, snuggled up on the couch (that he isn't allowed on). Visiting with family is always treasured time, so I can push the sleepiness aside and enjoy this time!

84. more family visits

85. appreciating what amazing barbecue we have here in the south, after having what tasted like McDonalds ribs compared to what we have gotten used to!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Out of my Everyday Surroundings 362.265

Sometimes you just need to get out of your everyday surroundings, and take life in… and that is just what I did today. Mono and I spent the day with Jilly and Mike. What fun! She and I are so similar, yet so different. It makes for a lot of fun!
 Today was a cloudy and gray and fairly chilly day in New York... But I knew when I saw this sign, that our day would be sunny.
 And I really knew our day would be sunny when she ran out the door to greet us!
Mono and I woke up and headed from my grandparents to Sunnyside, New York. My goodness, how fabulous is it to live in a place with such a happy sounding name?! I am sure not all days are sunny there, but it really seems like life in Sunnyside would not be reality. Everyone would be cheery, polite, happy.... Yeah, what am I thinking? It's Queens. ha. 

But Jilly, she is always sunny! So she belongs there. No... she belongs in Florida. With her family and her babe, who we also spent the day with. When we pulled up to her apartment, I was filled with excitement, not only because the four of us (Mono and myself, Jilly and Mike), would be spending the day together, but I was finally going to meet Katie. Katie Bubbles. Is she not adorable or what?!
 After a quick meeting at her cute place, cuddles with Katie, and a little bit of chatting, we headed to our first destination, the skating rink in Central Park. The line was absolutely insane. The wait would have been hours long, so we nixed the idea. From there we visited Jilly's work, which is amazing.
Corner apartment near Lincoln Center. 
 From there, we headed to have a bite to eat. Jilly had Sarabeth's in mind since before we even pulled up at her apartment. She thought it was a very Mare place... and it was. Small, cozy and quaint. They even put us in this little nook at the front window. There is not a more perfect table in that restaurant.
They served breakfast and lunch, which made it very difficult to decide what to order.
Mono ordered breakfast; french toast and fresh fruit. 
Mike ordered lunch; a crab cake and fries. It looked like an awesome one. Though I believe I was told the one served at our wedding was the best. 
Jilly and I wanted the same thing, but knew we couldn't eat it all if we each ordered it. We ordered from the lunch menu. We eat ordered a bowl of creamy tomato soup and shared a club sandwich. Oh so yummy.
After breakfast/lunch, we set out for walking the city. 
The Plaza. Check.
The Christmas tree. Check.
The streets were so so so crowded that we just make quick stops everywhere. It was nearly impossible to even take pictures due to the crazy amounts of people on the sidewalks.
 The Plaza. I love Eloise. She's too cute, so seeing her tree was fabulous. Totally Eloise.
I loved the large pink Christmas balls painted with images of Eloise, but they weren't worth the $70. A picture would do.
The Christmas Tree. 
We weren't able to get to my favorite view of the tree, but this was good too.

We only saw one window... Loved the colors, but not very Christmasy at all.
I had such a fun day with these three!
 Back to the apartment real quick for one more snuggle with Katie. Then we went for a slice of pizza a block away. New York pizza. Ahhhh, instantly fall in love all over again!
 After this visit, we went on our way to New Jersey to visit Mono's great aunt and uncle. That was such a nice visit. Unfortunately it was only for a few hours, but at least we had that time with them.

On our way home, I was still hungry so we stopped for this:
Yes, more deliciously good carbs!

And this...
 My favorite hot chocolate ever, from 7 Eleven. Yummm. Yummm. 
Oh, and you don't put a mountain of mini marshmallows on your hot chocolate?
 Visits in New York are always wonderful. 
Looking forward to upcoming visits with all of these favorites of mine!

80. visits with great friends

81. exploring such a fun city

82. listening to stories and memories from some of our elderly family

83. food that you can only get in New York

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas! 359.365

 Merry Christmas to all my lovely blog readers! I hope you have a blessed day with all those you love. No matter how wonderful the decorations or gifts may be, don't forget the real reason of Christmas.
 I made my favorite White Christmas punch and it seemed like it was a hit along with our delicious dinner.
 Jimmy was completely zonked by the evening.
We all were.
We sat and relaxed in the cozy family room, all together.
Believe it or not, I don't have many pictures of Christmas to share.

68. our first Christmas married

69. all of our family together, celebrating such a special holiday

70. yummy drinks and delicious home cooked meals

71. Christ's love for all of us

72. the thought/image of Jesus as a small baby, being born in a quiet stable with Mary and St. Joseph.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Our Ornaments 358.365

Mami has a real Christmas tree, decorated beautifully sitting in their family room. 
She set aside an ornament for each of us to hang when we arrived.
I loved that thoughtful idea!

We had a really nice Cuban dinner tonight and there is another big Christmas meal waiting for us tomorrow!

65. real, live Christmas trees

66. Mami's thoughtful gestures

67. family dinners

Friday, December 23, 2011

Family 357.365

 I love being with family. Mono's family is certainly just as much my family as his. I just adore them. And so does Jimmy. He is really comfortable and at home there. Whether he is sitting with Bella or running across their vast lawn, he's a happy little guy.

As much as I love being home, nothing is like time with family!

63. being back with family

64. having quiet time to just sit and relax and be together

Thursday, December 22, 2011

And We're Off! 356.365

 We're on our way for a nice long visit with our family and friends! We have a 12 hour drive before we arrive at Mami and Papis. Two full cars, four people and Jimmy. It'll be a good ride and I know a fabulous trip! I'll be off blogging for the next 1-2 weeks. I hope you all enjoy Christmas at it's truest meaning. Sending you all love!

60. having two drivers to share the long drive

61. Jimmy being such a good traveler

62. snacks and drinks to keep me held over and occupied while I can do nothing else during the 12 hours

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My Favorite Cookie 355.365

We leave tomorrow for our long family visit!!!!
 Lots to get done before our early departure, including baking dozens of these cookies.
I'm making homemade edible items for all of our family. Normally I bake batches upon batches of cookies, but this year, as to not overwhelm myself, I only baked one kind... my very favorite: Mexican Wedding Cakes
I am not sure how many I ended up making. I know there were a lot of them, multiple batches, but still not enough leftovers for me to snack on.
 It was so hard to make them and know there would be none for Mono and I. I do plan on making an entire batch for us when we came back home though!
I never took a final picture of these. I was focused on just getting them done, that I must have forgotten! The only difference is a little more powdered sugar on top!
 What's your favorite cookie?

56. our Christmas visit with family that finally arrives tomorrow!

57. my favorite cookies!

58. getting everything done

59. my favorite cookies! ;)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Bundle Up Buddy 354.365

Cold weather is upon us here in the South. We have cold days and then the warm ones reappear. Jimmy has a few little sweaters, and today, he is getting his little red one. I think it is his most handsome looking one. He has a plain royal blue sweatshirt, a gray hooded sweatshirt (that would be my favorite if it was more his size; it's a little big), a emerald green and white sweater, a teal and white striped sweater with a red pom pom scarf attached, and now this one. He has quite the wardrobe for a little guy, doesn't he? But it keeps him warm and away from shivering.

53. a husband that doesn't laugh when I dress my dog

54. the sweetness my little guy shares with us everyday

55. elf's at the grocery store that so generously bring your bags to the car, and load them

Monday, December 19, 2011

You are my Sunshine 353.365

This is how I left the room for when Mono woke up this morning!
Balloons all over the floor, streamers and signs hung in the kitchen, a message on the chalkboard wall, his gift wrapped sitting in the midst of all the balloons and...
 a note written for him on the mirror. I knew it would be the first place he'd go, since he has to put his eyes contacts in.
 Ready and waiting for the birthday boy!
I guess he liked the decorations.
 He still thinks I got him shoes. Pshaw! No way.
 Look at that happy face. No shoes for him!
Can you make out what his present was?
 My parents came over to celebrate his birthday. They gave him his gifts and then took us out to one of his favorite restaurants.
 And one last message before he headed to bed. The sun was right at the height of his face. He truly is my sunshine. He brightens my days, lightens my burdens, makes me feel loved and beautiful, has a heart of gold, an intense love for his Faith, children and our family... the list goes on. Monito, thank you for being you and always bringing sunshine to my life! Happy Birthday!

51. celebrating my husband's birthday!

52. finally being able to give him his present!