Tuesday, December 25, 2012

behind the card

Mono and I take our own Christmas card picture. We decide on the look we want, pick the location and what outfits we want to wear and venture out to take a lot of pictures. I take a few pictures to see what angles I want, and then set the camera on timer on the tripod and snap away! Last year it was fun, stress-free, and easy peasy. This year? A bit different. It was quite the challenge. Two babies and a dog! Thankfully my Dad came along so he could help hold one of the three babies while I set things up. He ended up taking the pictures for me instead of dealing with a wobbly tripod on uneven ground. Everyone told us how lovely our card was, and each time I would laugh at the memories of the more candid shots Dad picked up on. I thought I'd share a few.

We dealt with people in the background and the boys not looking at the camera.
 We had crying babies and a Momma that looked a bit crazy trying to calm them down.
 Blowing hair out of my face was the only struggle I had to deal with on my own. The guys all had it easy with their short 'dos.
 We had little boys all sticking their tongues out!
 We took turns blinking and dealing with too much light in certain faces.
We took many pictures. Many. And we ended up with a few really nice choices.
Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

New At This

Today is the Feast Day of St. Nicholas! He stopped at our home last night and filled all of our favorite shoes with goodies! The boys left out their Janie and Jack's from Aunt Erin and Uncle Alex, Mono Sperrys, and my wedding shoes, and even though Jimmy doesn't wear shoes he was left a gift too. The boys got teddy bear ornaments and new Christmas books, Mono got a nice t-shirt from one of his favorite stores, I got a new coffee mug since I am so tired and have started drinking coffee, and Jimmy got some of his favorite treats! Happy Feast Day! Prepare your hearts for Jesus' birth!
 St. Nicholas knew the perfect gift for this Momma! I am loving all things gold right now and have picked up the coffee mug many mornings! I'm still really new at this job as a Momma. Though sometimes I don't remember life before my little babies, it's only been 3 months. I love it. Yes, even the sleep deprived nights, scream filled, fussy days, and many many dirty diapers. I would rather this than anything else! I wouldn't change this for someone else to take care of my boys and give me a break. Some days I do like a little extra helping hand, but I wouldn't want a nanny for sure!

While I write this, I have my little Gus on my lap talking up a storm to all of my readers. He says hello and wishes you all a Happy St. Nicholas Day... and many more things too!

Some days I'm exhausted and I walk from one side of the room to the other, completely forgetting what I was doing. Or I write a list of all that I need to do, buy, etc. and before I get to the fourth line, I am lost, forgetting the 97 other things swirling through my brain to remember. But this one morning in particular, I really wanted some coffee. I am not a coffee drinker. I like Cuban coffee, but not regular coffee at all. At all. I have some French Vanilla flavored from Dunkin' Donuts that is good with chocolate flavored cream and some sugar that I have been drinking. But making coffee is something new to me too, along with being a Momma. I made myself a nice cup of coffee and it was the best I had ever made! I leave the coffee grinds in the machine (open) for a little extra aroma when it is done brewing. Later that day Mono came home and took out the coffee grind filled paper filter to notice I forgot to put the other plastic filter in the machine! He looked at me and laughed and said, "Mare! You're supposed to put this in there!" I just smiled and told him I didn't notice. I always keep it in there so I didn't even notice he had taken it out from a previous cup he made himself. I said, "Well, it's the best cup I've ever had so it was a good mistake!" My days are filled with lots of lost thoughts! But I'm still plugging along... most days with a smile!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Daily Thankfuls Day Twenty Three


Duncan, or as Jimmy would say, Uncle Duncan, is here visiting with Mami and Papi. Duncan is Mami's dog and worked in search and rescue. He has so many exciting stories from adventures he has been on with Mami. The days of search and rescue have passed, but are certainly not forgotten! He has gotten a little older over the years, but is still his same wonderful self.
Duncan still likes to keep a little adventure in his life though. When he goes down the stairs, he likes to jump from the 5th or so step to the landing! Today he took that landing badly and his back hip came out of joint, very badly. He went to the vet here and will have to stay overnight to be taken care of. It has been quite the scare, especially being that he is fourteen years old and it was a terrible injury. Thankfully we got word that the procedure they had to do was successful and he should have a good recovery. It will take some time and he will have to be very careful from now on, but Mami's sweet boy should be okay!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Daily Thankfuls Day Twenty One


Ever since our two precious little men arrived, we have had to watch our budget even more. Life with twins adds up the bills. Even if we had all the money in the world, it's double everything. And when you go through the amount of diapers alone that I go through in a day, everything adds up. It doesn't help that one little man in particular likes to wet his diaper no more than 2 seconds after I change him... and laughs, like he already knows what he is doing!
 I'm certainly not complaining at all. They are worth every single penny and every dirty diaper, and I will happily cut back more costs and change more dirty diapers with more children one day. There are a lot of young people out there that want their possessions more than sweet babies. I'd rather have my sweet babies than a lot of other luxuries. They are my luxury!

With that being said, I try to find ways to cut some costs, especially on the bills the boys provide us with. We go through endless diapers and formula. Just when you think you have enough on hand, we run out. I never like to be short on any of it, so I like to have a decent amount stored up. We have gone from disposable diapers, to a nightmare cloth diapering, and back to disposables. But this time, we tried out the Target brand, Up+Up. Actually, we did not do this due to price, but rather the fact that they were possibly allergic to the more expensive brand. Up+Up was such a life-saver that I started to buy more of their products, including formula. We needed to try switching their formula as well, so that is when we had the idea to try Up+Up. After a little research, it seemed like that was the way we should try, and we are so happy on it! Happy babies and less bills! Thank you Target! 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Daily Thankfuls Day Twenty


Can you believe I am saying this, but today, I am thankful for the dentist!
Yes, I said it. The dentist.
Back in February of this year I needed to have a small cavity worked on, but then the dentist pulled his back out. We had to cancel the appointment due to that and then reschedule it. We rescheduled and then it was my turn to cancel because I had such bad morning sickness. After that cancellation, I had to cancel because I was on bed rest... twice. And then for the fifth cancellation, now in November, he pulled his back out again! I finally was able to get the cavity taken care of today.
My dentist is such a pleasant man, as is his entire staff. The boys were a huge hit! They have been wanting to meet them and today was the day!
To make my dentist even better, he has all of the patients chairs with a cozy vibrating (optional, but I always take it!), tempurpedic pad.... and they put lotion on your hands, covered with hand warmers!
And... to top this visit off, he had Christmas music playing in the background!
I have never minded going to the dentist, as a child or growing up... until a few years ago when we found out my wisdom teeth were in my sinuses and I needed two emergency surgeries right before Thanksgiving. It was a rough surgery and recovery, both times. I do not do well with anesthesia at all. I turn absolutely green. It's not pleasant at all. And ever since then, I tense up at the dentist.
If you have to go to the dentist, I am thankful he's the one I get to go to!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Daily Thankfuls Day Nineteen


Today I am thankful for homecomings.
Mono arrived home this evening from his venture out to California.
The weather wasn't great and it gets dark early over there so he didn't have a lot of opportunity on hand to explore L.A. He did have a good time and enjoyed some yummy food!
I am happy his time on the west coast was nice, but I am even happier he is back home!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Daily Thankfuls Day Eighteen


Today we went to Flip Burger for lunch.
Normally, I'm the one in the bunch that orders the classic burger.
Bun, burger, cheese, tomato, and lettuce.
I'm not adventurous when it comes time to ordering off a menu.
Wait, who am I kidding, I'm not adventurous at all.
But today I stepped out of my box... a little bit.
 I ordered the rBQ, a burger, pulled pork, and coleslaw. 
I am thankful I did because it was quite tasty and I will definitely hop out of the box again... but not too far out!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Daily Thankfuls Day Seventeen


Today Mono left for his trip to California. He will only be gone for just over 48 hours, but I will miss him terribly. I count down the hours until he arrives home. Pathetic maybe, but I am thankful I love someone enough to miss him even when he's only gone for 48 hours!
I am also thankful that Mono's parents are coming into town today! I am really looking forward to having them visit for the week. I love having their company here and treasure all the time we have together since they are not able to come as much as we'd like. 
So while I am missing my sweet husband, I can enjoy this time with Mami and Papi. And before long, Mono will be home and we will all be enjoying the visit together.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Smokin' Hot and Business Trips

My Mon is going on a business trip tomorrow. Thankfully it's just across this country and not to another country. But still. I hate when he travels across time zones. It just makes it feel like he is that much further away. I don't mind him going away because he loves to travel. And I don't get jealous that he is traveling because I would rather be going instead of him, but what I do always wish is that we could travel to these places together. While we were dating, we never traveled alone together to go on little trips and adventures. The only places we ever traveled to together was with each others families. And then the only time we traveled together while married was our honeymoon. So when these trips come up, I wish we could explore and see places together. Though, if it has to be just one of us, I am glad it is him getting to go see new sights! This trip is taking him to the West Coast!! Fun huh?! I've never been further west than Alabama. haha. Yeah, that's not even considered west at all! I am sending my camera with him so I can see what life is like out there!! I am sure he will come back with great stories and photos to go along!

Oh, and smokin' hot... has nothing to do with his business trip. I was painting my nails tonight in a dark shade of gray, called smokin' hot. I love the look on other people, but when I paint it on my nails, I feel wild, rebellious, crazy.... I feel like I can't pull it off like everyone else! It's still on my nails and we will see if it lasts.

My Mom is out of town helping my grandparents. My Popa is in the hospital so she was needed up there. So she's gone and soon Mono will be too, but Mono's mom and dad are coming tomorrow evening to visit!! I am pretty excited to have them here. I've never had them all to myself... well without Mono. I definitely won't have them to myself with our boys around! I can't wait for them to arrive and have them see how much the boys have grown!! This will be fun!

Daily Thankfuls Day Sixteen


Mono's grandmother, Bella, had given Mono and his brother each a diamond from a pair of her earrings to use in the engagement rings they would give their fiancées. My sister-in-law and I each have the same center diamond in our rings! I love the fact that they were Bella's and that we each have the same ring, yet a little different. Her baguette's are round (if I remember correctly) and mine are pear-shaped. Now, my wedding band is not a family heirloom. Mono picked that out after we were engaged. In the picture above, I am hiding a missing diamond on the other side of the band! I lost a diamond, but believe it or not, as tiny as they are, Mono found it! Since Mami and Papi are coming to visit I will be able to send it home with them to a family friend who repairs our jewelry for us! I will certainly miss having my wedding ring on from now until Christmas, but I know it is in good hands and I will have a nice sturdy and intact ring again! 

Bella and I share a great love for jewelry. And no matter how nice the piece is, we wear them all the time! 
This was her beautiful piece of jewelry too, and she passed it down to me when Mono and I got engaged. Right after my wedding and engagement rings, this ring is always with me. I wear it with dressy outfits and even my jeans and sweats! I adore it and will always treasure it.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Daily Thankfuls Day Fourteen

I have been on my own taking care of the boys every day for a while now. My parents have not been able to come to visit because my Mom has been fighting an awful cold! Finally they were able to come back today for a visit and the extra two sets of hands was quite nice!! I'm doing real well caring for them on my own without getting overwhelmed anymore. A lot of that is due to the fact that they actually nap now. It is still hard sometimes to get bigger projects done on my own, but I am even doing fairly well with some of the more time consuming things! This is a very exciting time for me! Naps are wonderful! And so are helping hands!



Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Daily Thankfuls Day Thirteen


I am thankful for healing.

Yesterday our friend Austin came over to hang out, have dinner, enjoy some guy time, and Monday Night Football! I have to say, I am always impressed when I see him. He always does something new that amazes me with his progress. The best was watching him rock the boys (who were both sitting on the la-z-boy) with his hand/arm... the one that isn't even as strong! He sat there and chatted with Will and Gus while he rocked them.
This doesn't take away from the sweetness of when Mono, or even other family members rock them, but to know the effort he uses to do it, and the fact that he even can rock them made me smile so big!
His Mom wrote on his Caring Bridge site: "Oh and did you know The ******* twins Will and Gus twisted their Dad's arm to put a ramp on the back patio so that (Uncle)Austin could come over and visit??? :) :) What incredible love..."
It's true. The ramp is built, Gus and Will love their Uncle Austin very much, but no one quite needed a twisted arm. We were all so excited to know we could do something to allow him to visit! He may be Mono's friend, but our whole family truly loves him! He has a wonderful family and such a sweet girlfriend as well!
It's so nice to see him healing. It's through soo much prayer and his incredible determination and strength that he puts into it, that he has recovered this much already!

I am also thankful for some positive news from family about my Popa's health. He was brought to the hospital yesterday with chest pains and many tests were done, but we didn't find out results until later tonight. Thank God it looks like his heart is okay, but wasn't getting enough oxygen and was being tolled a bit from bad kidney functioning. He may be able to be released on medication to help his symptoms subside! Thank you God! Please keep him strong and healthy!

Please keep Popa and Austin in your prayers!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Daily Thankfuls Day Twelve


Thankful for another full and successful day, rainy days, and my cozy bed after long days like today.

Not only was I able to care for the boys, cross most everything off my list, make a nice dinner and extras for lunches during the week, but also made cookies for when Austin came over!
He came for dinner and Monday Night Football, which was great. It was nice to visit with him and also know that he and Mono could enjoy some good guy time. Although Mono lives in a house of 4 boys and only one girl, guy time is always nice.

As nice as days full of warmth as sunshine may be, cozy, fall days, with gray skies dripping rain are welcomed once in a while! I love when it is dark in the house and I have the little lights lit to brighten up the room. Oh, sooo cozy!

I was so tired though at the end of the day, like nearly all days, that I could not appreciate my comfy bed much more than I was at that moment! I plopped down after the boys last feeding and just took a deep breath and relaxed so nicely before falling asleep. It felt sooo good!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Daily Thankfuls Day Eleven


Thankful for a day filled with time and energy to get things done.

Today was a long, full, but good day!
I don't normally have time or energy to get done more than I have to.
I usually cross the necessities off, but there are always wishful things on my daily to do lists that never get done, until days or even weeks later.
Today was different and I loved it.
Life was a little bit back to normal.

I am developing a bit of a routine and schedule... or as much of one as I can with twin babies in the house! It feels good. They nap a bit more now, which not only allows me to get things done, but with both hands!

I made a nice dinner, baked tasty bread and got so much done... all while not feeling stressed! It was so lovely!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Daily Thankfuls Day Ten

#day ten

I am thankful for the scattered days of fall that are sunny and warm.
Fall is my favorite season.
The cool, crisp, fresh air.
Beautiful colors painted on the trees.
The smells in the air of leaves, fires burning, pies in the ovens...
Mmmm.... It's wonderful.
I love things about each season, but there is something cozy about the fall.
But... I do appreciate these warm and sunny days we get down here.
It has allowed for a few more outdoor walks with our sweet boys. 
I'd like to have 1-2 hours each day with weather like this all year long, just to be able to go out for a walk with the boys in their stroller.

Today we spent the first half of the day getting things done at home.
Around 3:30 we headed out for a nice long walk at the Outlets with the little men.
It was perfect!
Window shopping and a stroll.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Daily Thankfuls Day Nine


the boys face-timing with Bella in top picture and Gus telling Grandma (F) about his day


We love Facetime!
Nearly all of our family and close friends live in the Northeast so they don't get to see the boys in person. We talk daily to at least one family member or friend! Sometimes I turn it on so their Grandma can talk to them during the day while I do a few things around the room, or sit and feed them... I am very thankful for it so we can keep in touch as close to being in person as possible and loved ones can watch them grow!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Daily Thankfuls Day Eight



A few months back you may remember me telling you about our friend Austin. He was in rehab in Atlanta, but he was recently moved to a location ten minutes from our home! We were pretty excited to hear the news. We knew we'd have him over, hang out, go out and do some fun things... only one problem, which was not a real problem. Every single way into our house had steps, which was not wheel chair friendly.
No biggie! We built a ramp just for him! It's nothing fancy or special, but it serves it's purpose! We can't wait for him to come over! It was so nice to know we were doing something that not only was for our benefit (of him being able to visit), but for his, so he could get out of therapy, hang out with friends, and enjoy himself! I wish we could do more, but at least we can show our love and support in little ways right now.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Daily Thankfuls Day Seven



I am pretty sure I have the best god-mother there is!
She's so good that we even have the same name!
She is thoughtful, sweet, kind, very hard working, beautiful, not only in appearance, but in who she is.

She is so special to me and though we don't get to talk due to her busy work schedule and my busy schedule (or lack of) at home with the boys, when we do catch up, it's oh-so-wonderful!
While I was planning the little details for my wedding, I knew I wanted to do something different with my bouquet, rather than throwing it into the crowd of single ladies like most brides do.
So, instead of following that trend, I presented her with a smaller bouquet that was a cross between mine and the bridesmaids, along with a note. They also played a special song in the background. She was so touched and it was a very special and memorable moment for both of us. 

I love her dearly and today I am thankful for her, and for the chance to catch up on the phone about some of the the recent happenings in each of our lives.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Daily Thankfuls Day Five



I am thankful for Mono's La-Z-Boy and the fact that our two boys love to fall asleep sitting in it.
You may notice a little trend with one of them...

 He falls fast asleep many times in this chair. It's Mr. Lazy Boy himself!!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Daily Thankfuls Day Four


I am thankful for the four boys I live with... my four boys.
I'm the only girl in this house!
I'm thankful for my little calm and content one, who will just sit there quietly smiling, talking to himself.
I am thankful for my other little one who makes me constantly laugh with his cute face and who already knows Jesus 
(side note: Every morning, without fail, when he wakes up, he looks up at a crucifix we have hanging in our room, and smiles, laughs and talks.)
I am thankful for the white, fluffy one, who is my little shadow and cuddle buddy.
I am thankful for my biggest boy, who helps me get through the long days, makes me smile, provides lovingly for our family, and gives his best in helping me take care of the three other boys!
And for holding my purse! No, that isn't his lovely bag.
All four of them make me smile and feel so loved.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Daily Thankfuls Day Three

 Well, I'm told slow and steady wins the race... And while I'm certainly not even trying to win this half marathon in March, I'm going very, very slowly in training. I am not sure what made me think I could get the time in to train and become physically ready for Seaside. It's certainly going to be a very long road there. Today I ran 3 miles (with some walking in between) in 45 minutes and I was done. How on earth am I could to reach 13+?! Thankfully I have until March.
momma and will, papi and gus
The boys were fabulous today, especially on our little outing! I wish we had more days like this with Mono home to spend together. Gus's best time of the day is certainly not after dinner and that is when Mono is home. He's the most fussy around that time of day so it makes it hard for us to do things outside of them home (heck, even inside of the home) on weeknights.
the time to run and shower this morning 
a beautiful day to take the boys for an outing

Friday, November 2, 2012

Daily Thankfuls Day Two


sleeping late... and yes, this is late to Gus and Will

And since this is day two, I have two things to be thankful for... sleeping late and an unexpected lunch date with great friends!

Also, something to be very thankful for... prayers and healing our dear friend is receiving! But that is something too huge to be in my little daily thankfuls.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Daily Thankfuls Day One

Do you ever have a few meaningless items on your shopping list that you keep looking for but never find in your budget? They're items that are not important and do not need to have a load of cash dropped to pay for them. These are two things that have been on my list forever now and I could never find them. Either too big or too pricey.
 I have been looking for a nice mini strainer and a mini 3 tiered tray for my bathroom. I look all over and never find them cheap enough for my budget. I ran into T.J.Maxx the other night to look for something for Gus and Will and I happened upon these in the clearance section!! I didn't like the design/color of the 3 tiered tray, but a little spray paint would fix that real fast! Now it sits all pretty in my bathroom, finally in the home it belongs in! The strainer is just the right size for a small portion of pasta or some fresh veggies or fruit... perfection and completely in budget!
cheap finds of items I've been searching for forever!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Window Shopping and a Stroll

This amazing present arrived in the mail on Friday! We all love the boys new stroller! Their great grandparents gave it to them. But really, it's a great gift for Momma! It was such a beautiful day so we decided to take them out for a stroll at our fave shopping area. They loved their walk in the stroller and Momma loved window shopping... well not the window part, but you gotta do that some times... unfortunately.
My Christmas list is getting long... and pricey. I think it is going to end up going from a Christmas list to a when i win the big bucks list...

Mono is going to be so very sorry he introduced me to one of his loves... The North Face.
We now have a wonderful store near us and I am always up to popping in.

The same thing happened with Apple. I started out with the computer, but then he got a Mac laptop and then I got a Mac laptop and then he got an iTouch and I got a little iPod and then he got an iPad, and I got his old iTouch... and now all I want is an iPhone 5... and of course that is not in the foreseeable future. I am not sure what got into me except the fact that I am married to a tech lover, who has taught me a lot to love! And I am addicted to instagram, taking pictures all the time, and that certainly doesn't help my desire to have that phone!

Today my eyes fell in love with these warm and cozy mittens. They are ah-mazing!
 Maybe not as amazing as this jacket though! I have seen it many times and always have to try it on. Once a year try on will have to hold me over for a long time. I think this is on the when i win the big bucks list though.
This whole store is also on that list... I love the little bit fancy, little bit rustic look! 
oh if only...
And we ended the night with one purchase... dinner at one of our favorites... Chipotle. We had to introduce the boys young! The burrito is bigger than Will... almost!
We had such a fun day together! I love having our boys out with us. They do so well in the car, in their stroller and roaming around to all our crazy little spots! Can't wait for another fun weekend outing with them! And before long, we can take them on longer and further ventures!

Friday, October 12, 2012

My Days Lately

Ahhh, what is that sound I hear? Silence? Could it really be?
It is very rare now that I am a momma of twin babies that I have quiet moments. Before they arrived, most all of my time was silent. The only noise I would hear is the dishwasher or washing machine, the television or radio, the phone ringing or a text message alert. The only other person around was Jimmy... and the only noises you normally hear from him are little snoring sounds when he is napping or the jingling of his tags on his collar.
My days have greatly changed. Quiet moments for blogging, going through pictures, reading, etc are long gone. 

Now my days are filled with this:

endless cleaning and washing of cloth diapers for two baby boys with sore bottoms
 it truly feels like this is all i do all day long... change diaper after diaper, clean, wash, and fold diaper after diaper.
laundry, feeding babies, cleaning and sterilizing bottles, filling dozens of bottles with formula each day
late night and early morning wake up calls for dirty diapers and hungry boys
momma's breakfasts that never get eaten, but stare you in the face on the counter all.day.long... until 10:30 pm
 but it is aaaalllllll worth it for these two precious gifts. i couldn't be any more in love with these two boys!



One hundred forty three days until...

The Seaside Half Marathon!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not doing this to lose weight or beat a certain time. I'm only in this to compete and complete. End of story.
I can't wait for the feeling of crossing the finish line after running 13.1 miles in Seaside at their annual Half Marathon. I have a little love affair with 30A and I will be running in that very area right before my birthday! What an amazing birthday present! I will finally be running a half, which is something I have wanted to do for years and I will be spending a nice weekend at a place I love dearly!
My sweet friend and running coach will be right by my side all 13.1 miles!!
Can it get any better than that?
Actually... yeah, it can!
Mono, my two little men, my parents, my Grandparents on Mono's side, and Mike, Jilly's sweetheart are all going to be there cheering us on!! Woo hooooo, the excitement of everyone cheering for us already gives me goose bumpies!

I am not a real runner. Or a good one. But I am going to do this!
I just had two babies less than 2 months ago and I am ready for another adventure.
It will be a very long and slow road getting myself ready for Seaside, but Jilly says I can do it. And when Jilly says you can do it, you can!!
I am starting with a brisk walk, but only 1-2 miles at a time... that's for two reasons. One, I do not have much time on my hands. I have to run at the very end of the day when my sweet hubby is home to watch the little men and my to do list is completely checked off, right before the last feeding of the evening for the boys. I leave just enough time for some miles and a quick shower! And two, because I have not exercised a single day since September of 2011. Yeah, pathetic.

I exercised up until our wedding, but then after our wedding, we had a lot going on with settling into our new home and everything that goes along with that and then beginning morning sickness just a few months later, then being huge, on bed rest and more bed rest. So I am very, very out of shape. Heck, I've never been in shape... even before our wedding! I'm soooo not athletic. I'm athletically challenged to every single degree. But add on doing absolutely nothing for over 9 months and I'm really out of shape! So I am starting from before square one... walking one mile... then two miles... then starting adding in a light jog. When your goal is to be able to accomplish 13.1 miles, starting where I am makes for a terribly long road, but it will make the accomplishment all the greater in the end when I cross that line in Seaside!

I have to admit, being that I can't walk and eventually run until after dark, I have to run on my treadmill, which I am very grateful for or else this would not be possible, but it makes for a very difficult and boring run to train for. I stare at a cement wall listening to music. I am going to see if I can rig something so I can go online with my lap top while I am at least walking, and then eventually running maybe set up long blogs or interesting things to read. It might all help pass the time quickly.

Thank you Mono for not only letting me run this and to make the trip down to FL in March, but for cheering me on even in these beginning days... and for taking care of the boys so I can train for this little dream of mine!


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Perfect Weather For a Stroll

Today we ordered our double stroller for the boys! We have a frame for their infant car seats to click into, but a good walking stroller was still on hold. We knew the one we wanted, but we were waiting for the changes in the newest model to come out. It is finally out, and today we placed our order!!! It should be here on Saturday and if that is true, the second it arrives, if the weather is okay to take the boys out, we will be going on a walk!

The weather has been so beautiful here. We've had our windows open this evening, letting in the fresh air and sounds of chirping birds. How calming! I got the okay today from my doctor that I can start exercising, starting with good walks. Perfect timing for this gorgeous weather... and the stroller's arrival!

Each year, for the past few years I get the info for the Seaside half marathon held in March. And each year, when this time rolls around and I get the message from them, I really get the itch to sign up and run it. I am far from being able to run a half marathon, but boy would I love to sign up and work my way towards that. I wish I had some sort of really good training program that would work me up to being able to do a walk/run in March. Anyone think it is possible? 

As soon as their stroller arrives, I will post pictures of our first walk!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

ONEderful Year

Mono and I celebrated our one year anniversary on Monday. Never in a million years would either of us have thought that we'd have two babies before our first anniversary! In fact, I truly didn't think I'd even have one baby by then! But God gave us two of the most amazing gifts for our anniversary for sure! I am not sure we could have gotten any better of a gift! One for each of us too! He was very generous to us this year! I wonder what He'll give us next year! hehe

Our first year as newly weds was certainly filled with many ups and downs. It didn't go as we imagined and planned, but the two reasons for the collapsed plans was totally worth it!! We couldn't be happier with our little men in our lives and now we can celebrate and travel and do everything with twice more fun!

Mono's family is visiting so they took care of the boys so the two of us could go to dinner to my favorite restaurant, Brio!

It felt so weird going out without the boys, but we had such a lovely evening out together. We didn't stay out long, but it was just enough!

a little look back at our special day

and at this time last year, we were on our honeymoon in Aruba! 
 What a difference one year makes! We were enjoying sleeping late, having a delicious leisurely breakfast, relaxing all day long... and now, I forget what sleep is, much less sleeping in, if I am lucky, my breakfast consists of a Luna bar, and if I am really lucky some orange juice to go along with it. And relaxing... ha! That's for wimps!