Do you ever have a few meaningless items on your shopping list that you keep looking for but never find in your budget? They're items that are not important and do not need to have a load of cash dropped to pay for them. These are two things that have been on my list forever now and I could never find them. Either too big or too pricey.

I have been looking for a nice mini strainer and a mini 3 tiered tray for my bathroom. I look all over and never find them cheap enough for my budget. I ran into T.J.Maxx the other night to look for something for Gus and Will and I happened upon these in the clearance section!! I didn't like the design/color of the 3 tiered tray, but a little spray paint would fix that real fast! Now it sits all pretty in my bathroom, finally in the home it belongs in! The strainer is just the right size for a small portion of pasta or some fresh veggies or fruit... perfection and completely in budget!
cheap finds of items I've been searching for forever!
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