Do you ever have one of those days when everything seems to go wrong?
Well, today was one of those days for me.
Let's just say I locked myself out of the house... twice.
Yes, twice.
I had to make an unexpected trip to the "big city" today, which is an hour away.
I ran a few errands, including a bit of grocery shopping while I was there.
I met up with Mono for lunch, which was really nice.
Thanks for such a nice treat out, Mon! :)
So then after that, and errands, I came home... to continue a growing funk.
I'd knock things over, bags would break, garage doors wouldn't open...
You name it, it happened!
Along with all that was going wrong, came a delayed dinner, which made me quite annoyed.
Mono and I wanted to get to the gym together and be done before it was too late to hang out and watch some tv before I had to go home to then get things done (I still had wash to do).
I settled down a little through dinner, but the funk wasn't really gone until I got going with my run.
I ran the funk away and boy did it feel good!
I am hoping to kick November into full swing tomorrow and rock the rest of the month!
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