Tuesday, November 30, 2010
My Day
I ran tonight, and just did okay. I'm not thrilled with the outcome, but with the circumstances, it was acceptable. I am hoping my real run on Saturday goes a lot faster than 40 minutes... Today was filled with a lot of tid bits. I had gifts to wrap, things to bring to the post office, wash to do, bills to work on, things to put away, wedding plans to go over.... etc. My day broke up a little bit for Mass. I went to Church at noon and had lunch when I got home, so that was a nice break. This evening we ate dinner, leftovers, nothing special and then went to the gym. So it was just a generic day. Nothing big, nothing too special, but it was a good day. :) More and more wedding thoughts are running through my head, and I am hoping to keep them all very organized in my mind (and my planner!). There is a lot that goes into this. So far I'm not stressing out, but it is a little frustrating planning from so far away. Thankfully I have wonderful people to help me, some in the area where the wedding will take place, and some as far from there as I am. It will be a beautiful day, I know that. :) I can't wait to marry my best friend! He brings a smile to my face each and every day! I hope all the ladies/girls in my life are as blessed to meet a man like I have! Well, off to sleep! Sweet dreams!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
A Little Bit Of Nothing
Well, I have plenty I could be blogging about. I've been so busy that I have been neglecting all of my blogging. I need to get back on track. I have so much to do before Mono's birthday and Christmas. CRAZY! And now adding in planning for a wedding, that makes things more exciting, yet a lot more hectic! I have less than 20 days to get it all done. Presents to make, buy, wrap, mail... cookies and cupcakes to bake, package and prepare for family up north... I have to finish decorating the house, plan some things for the wedding... oh just sooo much. So if my blogging isn't as frequent, you know why! Time has really gotten away from me!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Number 19
So, if you go back and look at my post about the 101 things I would like to do in 1001 days, you will see that number 19 is.... get engaged. I am beyond thrilled to say I can finally cross that one off! Mono proposed on Sunday, so it still hasn't been a full week. I am not sure if it has fully set it. Each day I think it is a little bit more. I am sooo excited and very, very happy! Everyone is asking about any plans I may have made, but I am still trying to figure this all out. I don't even know where to begin for sure, but I am doing what I think I should be doing. ;) Thanksgiving is tomorrow so I am going to enjoy the day, and I will spend some time between now and Christmas working on plans, but I will go into full swing comes January! I have a planning binder, a notebook and a few other little goodies to help keep me organized. I have a canvas tote that I am working on embroidering some doodles on to hold all of this in. I am really enjoying the little bits of planning that I have already done. I can't wait for this process to be in full swing!
I have the most wonderful fiancé and I am looking forward to doing this together. He can be as involved or uninvolved as he chooses, but I am loving talking to him about little tidbits so our wedding is really ours. Tomorrow (Thanksgiving) is our first holiday as an engaged couple. It's pretty exciting! Mono's family has been visiting and last night my wonderful aunt had a nice meal for both of our families before his parents left (this morning). My cousin made us an adorable cake and it was very tasty too! It was so nice to have our first extended little celebration! The night we got engaged my parents had a nice dinner at our house for the six of us. It has been so nice enjoying these first few days as a newly engaged couple with both of our families together.
I will be posting a lot more about this topic, but for now, I have some things to do and I am pretty tired. I'd like to get them done and then just relax. The past few days have been full and busy... in a wonderful way though!
I have the most wonderful fiancé and I am looking forward to doing this together. He can be as involved or uninvolved as he chooses, but I am loving talking to him about little tidbits so our wedding is really ours. Tomorrow (Thanksgiving) is our first holiday as an engaged couple. It's pretty exciting! Mono's family has been visiting and last night my wonderful aunt had a nice meal for both of our families before his parents left (this morning). My cousin made us an adorable cake and it was very tasty too! It was so nice to have our first extended little celebration! The night we got engaged my parents had a nice dinner at our house for the six of us. It has been so nice enjoying these first few days as a newly engaged couple with both of our families together.
I will be posting a lot more about this topic, but for now, I have some things to do and I am pretty tired. I'd like to get them done and then just relax. The past few days have been full and busy... in a wonderful way though!
Monday, November 22, 2010
I Said Yes!!
Yes!!!!!!!!!!! I'm engaged! I will post another entry real soon. I have to get to bed, but I just had to have an entry for our engagement! I am beyond happy and am so happy to be marrying the love of my life and my very best friend!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Finding A Little Extra JOY This Christmas Season!
I have a real love for photography, and always want to learn more and pursue new avenues so I can become better and have a more trained eye. I have yet to find a workshop that fits my schedule or that is in my price budget, locally. I found a photography website/blog online that offers on-line workshops. You download certain parts of the classes, have videos to watch and have homework to do. It's not hands-on with a teacher next to you, but I am certainly very excited about beginning this class. I just wish it would start today!! Hopefully if all goes well and I learn a lot during this first workshop, I will join another when it is offered. :) This specific one (Finding the Holiday Joy) will be focused around taking pictures during the Christmas season. I am beyond thrilled! :) I love Christmas and I love photography, so together, it will be terrifical! :)
Little Squirrel
"What's the little squirrel doing?" That's what Mono's Mom asks him when she wants to know what I'm up to. It's funny, because after a house break-in from a family of squirrels when I lived in NY (the turned the stove on, ripped all of our curtains, furniture, clawed the molding around windows... that's just to name a few things they did while we were away for the weekend!), I have really not liked these little creatures. I think they are real cute, but I still held my grudge against all squirrels. Mono's Mom changed my heart! I love being the squirrel now. :) So when I was at Starbucks the other day and saw this mug, I could not pass it up!
One day a squirrel went out looking for acorns and found a friend.
Mono's Mom and Dad are coming to visit today. I can't wait to show her my mug...and the one I bought her. This way, she will think of her little squirrel when she is back home. ;) Now I need to get her one with a monkey so she can think of Mono when she is home! :)
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
I'd LOVE to have her closet!
Kate Middleton... soon to be the wife of Prince William! :) Ohhh how exciting! That's whose closet I would like to have. No, let me change that.... That's whose closet I would lllooooovvvvvveeeee to have. Even just a few pieces maybe? Do you think she would just let me borrow a few things? ;)
Aside from lengthening a few hemlines (most seem to be pretty decent though) or pinning a few shirts so they weren't quite so low cut, I'd love to have her wardrobe. I think she has a very classic style. Whether she is dressing up for a fancy occasion or dressing down to be casual at a sporting event, she always go with class.

I like her color choices and the way she is simple, but always accessorizes nicely. She always has nice jewelry and a nice bag. Simple, but nice.
The bags, the coats, oh my!
Her hair and her makeup are kept simple, but she is always looking so put together. I guess that is part of the job for the kinda princess. I guess I'd be too if I was in her position instead of living in the country, in the middle of no-where! ;) Maybe I should pretend and dress like her.... ha.... I would totally look out of place!
I think she is adorable and I'd like to go take nearly everything out of my closet, give it away and go on a Kate Shopping Spree!!! I'd buy a few basics, a couple of nice accessories and bags, and keep it simple and classy. :)
Oh there is the mustardy yellow that I like - pretty close to it!
And I totally wish I could pull of wearing some of her hats!! I LOVE them! I have no occasion that I could even fake wearing one to.
And I am in love with her cream coat. SO me. I had a cream colored coat once... I had to get rid of it. It was starting to get super old and look super old. :( That was a really sad day for my closet.
I really love Kate's style. I am pretty sure she is the closest to me that I can think of... of course just not the nearly royal part! ;)
So, if you could have someones closet, who would you choose? What is it about their style that you like?
There Is A Reason Why It Is Called A "Wish" List...
It all started with the purse. Specifically, the Kelly Green Newbury Market Tote from Ralph Lauren. First of all, before I go any further, I want you to know I have a small bit (okay a large one) of an obsession with purses. I love, love, love them!
Mono's first real gift to me (besides the Lite-Brite that I had wanted since I was a little girl. He surprised me one day and sent it to me in the mail before we lived in the same state!) was a purse... a Coach purse. He didn't even know of my obsession at that point. He was a keeper from that day on! ;) Just kidding. He was a keeper from way before that. No gift needed to tell me he was the guy for me!
Unless the purse was a gift, I only have cheap bags...until two summers ago. I was in Destin, FL at Dooney and Bourke with my Mom and her best friend (who shares the purse obsession with me! I love you, Leslie!!) and we went to their outlet store and I bought myself a beautiful bag from there that was an amazing steal! And I mean ahh-mazing!
So now, back to the real topic of this entry. I was flipping through my Real Simple magazine (latest issue) and came upon a beauty. It was love at first sight...for me anyway. Not sure how the purse felt. Though I do believe that it would surely enjoy being amongst wonderful friends in my closet. ;) I love green. It was one of two of my favorite colors growing up. I don't own much in the color though, but my eyes always catch the color when I see it. And certainly saw it in "the purse." (There are a few colors catching my eye lately: a mustardy yellow, this green, of course, and a light heather gray)
It is waaayy out of my budget, as well as Santa's or any other nice gift-giver out there. I went to look for it on RalphLauren.com but did not see it in Kelly Green. I was quite upset, but I did find it on another site! Great news, huh!? ;) Unfortunately it was still the same price. So... it went on my "wish"list.
Yes, there is a reason for that name. You put all of the things that you'd wish for and know you will never get on it! While I was on the Ralph Lauren web page, I figured I'd take a little look around. I am quite fond of his collection so it was no sacrifice. ;) I am partial to the jewelry too. On one trip to Destin, FL Mono bought me a beautiful pair of silver, oval hoop earrings from the store there. I LOVE them! In fact, I am wearing them today. :) So, added to the wish list are several pieces of jewelry that I have been eying in stores when I shop. On the list they went!!
So, about 10 items later, I have an official Ralph Lauren Wish List! So there is the Amazon wish list and now the R.L. one. Most of which (besides the books on Amazon) are all really big wishes... like the camera lenses I want. haha
Sunday, November 14, 2010
I'm So Not An Athlete!
I have my 5k in less than three weeks. I am sure to most people they hear a 5k and think, eh, no problem! To me, that will be an accomplishment when I finish it. I have pretty much not exercised a day in my life. I've never been athletic. When I was in grade school I obviously took gym class and when I was in my early teens I rode horses and figure skated weekly. I was never on any competitive level.... or anything near it! I did it for fun, but then I was thrown off of the horse and broke part of my back and neck and that kinda put a stop to all activities. So, basically, I've never been athletic or very active. And since I was hurt, I really have not been very active (besides the prescribed PT). So running like I am is a big deal. I love running and I am hoping that in time I actually become a good runner. Only time will tell I guess. I have a lot of trouble with my breathing, but I have been told that will get better in time. My other problem is.... I get sooo hungry when I am done. :/ I really have to be careful that I stay on top of that and don't just go and eat away. I am really looking forward to race day next month. I am sure I will be a little bit on the nervous side on the day of, but I am really hoping the adrenaline kicks in! Up until that day, I will keep pushing myself towards the finish line! I can't wait for that feeling! :) And who knows, maybe after this 5k, I will actually become an athlete...or at least more active! ;)
Coupon Clipping Sunday
It's a cloudy, misty day outside and I am sitting here all cuddled on the couch watching Ramona and Beezus...while clipping out coupons. Today is the first day of my new venture...and hopefully not the last! I do the grocery shopping for the most part, and I thought saving with the help of coupons would be a smart idea. It's a bit of a task though, and I am not sure if I like it. Hmmm. The thing is, we don't have a lot of grocery stores near where we live and I don't particularly want to drive all over just to get to stores. I'll end up spending more on gas than I am saving with coupons. So being that I am limited in stores to shop at, and I know that there are sooo many more coupons that can be printed online, I feel like I am not able to complete the task properly. For now, while starting out, I will just cut out the coupons, check the stores nearby for their weekly deals. The better feel I get and the more practice that comes my way, the more I will save and the better of a coupon-clipping saver I will be! :)
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Just Six More Days!
Six days until they come! Just six more days!! Wooo hoooooooo! Two of my very favorite people are coming to visit for 4 days! Yes!!!
Mono's Mom and Dad are both coming for a visit! A lot of visits that his Mom made, his Dad was unable to come due to taking care of his Mom, and his work. But this time, they can come together!
I am so happy and excited!
Unfortunately they won't be able to stay for Thanksgiving, but we are all thankful for their visit and will have a nice family meal while they are here. I have a feeling that a lot of their visit is going to revolve around food….
and some serious milkshake runs!
I'm still not really sure what we are going to do while they are here, but I know we are going to have a good time!
The last time they were both here together was last Thanksgiving, so it's been a while.
This is going to be a real treat!
And then we will see them again less than a month later, around Christmas!
I wish I could capture both of them and keep them here forever!
Mono's Mom is one of the sweetest ladies you'll ever meet.
We all have a great time together and both the Mom's (his and mine) have a lot of fun together... I guess that is what happens when two wonderful ladies get together.
Mono's Dad makes you smile and laugh, even when times are sad.
I'm not really sure how he does it, but I love it.
I always know I am going to be in a happy mood around the two of them.
I love them to pieces and we all get along so well. Both families. What a treasure!
Mono and I have found some new restaurants in the city and we are really looking forward to having meals in each place with both of our families.
We have such a long list it seems that we may just have to eat two dinners a day to fit them all in!
We have Greek/Mediterranean, Barbecue, milkshakes, a delicatessen, a fish market/restaurant, milkshakes, a fun spot for delicious burgers... and did I say milkshakes?
Just in case I didn't mention milkshakes we will be making multiple runs for them!
And, we will be going on multiple runs to burn off all these calories!
Eating good food isn't the only thing we will be doing, but we can't wait to show them some of our favorite spots!
I guess depending on the weather, rainy or sunny, cold or hot, will determine what the rest of our plans will be!So, let the fun begin in just six more days... and today is almost over! So it's closer to just 5 more days. Come on November 19th! Get here real soon!!
Mary Anne Vs. The World
Do you ever feel like it's you against the world?
Where nothing seems to be going right?
Your patience level is near zilch.
Everyone seems to be bothered by you...and you seem to be bothered by everyone.
Where your prayers seem to be going up dry and empty?
Where you have no idea what God is trying to tell you?
And all you feel is God trying to teach you something and work and mold you into something?
It's just pure pain and frustration, waiting for God to show you where He wants you to be.
So many little things just seem to go wrong... then make you cranky.
The confusion, the frustration, the feeling of God constantly kneading you.
I don't need to be fabulous.
I just want to know what little I am doing, is being done well....with love and virtue.
I am going through a weird period in life.
I just want to just clean out and start over, inside and on the outside.
Have you ever gone through a period in your life where you feel God is molding you and working with you, but you just can't seem to see the end yet?
I know the person I want to be, but I don't quite know how to get there.
I can't seem to get there.
My creative juices are running so dry and that really disappoints me.
I've always been a more upbeat and creative person, so to see these things running dry, is kinda hard to deal with.
Even while going through this, I'm not a miserable person.
I'm happy, though have some cranky days, and know that with times like this, you just have to keep going.
God hasn't left you alone.
In fact, now He is probably ever so close.
He is working closely, picking away at all my little issues.
I think He is probably a little frazzled with me that I haven't learned the lessons He has been trying to teach me yet. ;)
I think in this area, I am a little bit of a slow learner... kinda like in algebra.
I was certainly a slow learner in that subject.
Maybe He could try teaching me in a way like I got geometry.
That made a lot more sense and I picked it up real fast! ;)
Lord, please continue to mold me into the person You desire me to be.
Help me learn the lessons You are trying to get me to see.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Pasta Friday
It's Friday, which means tonight was pasta/fish night for dinner!
I just love this pasta! Aren't the little noodles pretty!?
I took a pound of shrimp, chopped it up....
I got the sauce going, a mix of white wine, tomato sauce and heavy cream. And season it with spices of course!
Add in the shrimp.
My pretty pasta!
I baked some asparagus as a side.
Added in the pasta to the sauce.
And delish!!
Happy Pasta Friday!
Tis The Season! The Gift Wrapping Season!
Yes, I know this is not Christmas wrapping, but there is a reason for that. It's a birthday present. Once my friend's birthday rolls around in the end of October, that's when the Christmas wrapping seems to mosy on in!
If I could have a dream job, this would be it... wrapping presents! Boy do I just love to do this! That is one of my favorite parts of the Christmas season, buying special gifts for loved ones and then finding just the right wrapping, ribbon, embellishments, tags, etc... for each gift!
I can't wait for Lina to get her gifts! I hope she likes them. :)
And off it goes! On to Christmas wrapping now!! :)
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