Saturday, November 2, 2013

cotton fields

I have many, many lofty ideas for photographs for my family. I seem to think I have the abilities of Megan or Paige. I seem to think that I will have someone there taking our family photos for us. I seem think a lot of things. I want the perfect images, but they never seem to happen. I wanted to take some fall themed pictures of our family. One thing I love about the south, is that there are fields of cotton grown each year. I wanted to find some fields, but since I don't know any areas near our home that was growing cotton, I gave up on the idea. Then today when we were out taking a fall drive, I started to see some fields in the distance, blanketed in white. And I squeeled. Yes, I did. Unfortunately I was not really prepared for it so we just pulled the car over on the field and took a few quick shots of the boys and then the boys and the Hubs. I always feel like I am in such a rush for these spur-of-the-moment photo ops, so I don't get the best shots, but I get the best memories. In the end, as much as I have the greatest desire to have frame worthy images, or even canvas worthy images, the most important is the memories we can pass on with the boys. Today we made wonderful memories. Gus was a little scared of the pointy twigs we sat him near, but he did okay. We had a minor meltdown, and a few decent shots. At least the Hubs always looks great! 

 Not only is the Hubs handsome and easy on the eyes, 
 but he is the sweetest Papi these boys could ever possibly have.

 He sweetly showed the boys what the cotton was. Will was very interested in everything his Papi was doing. 

 Taking Gus for  a walk through the field of cotton. I was in heaven. I had finally found my cotton fields!
 I love this little man of mine. Even though I gave him a near buzz cut with the scissor today.
I'm in love with cotton fields. I wish I could grow a few rows myself! 

We also stopped at a local farm that has goat products! I wanted to check out the selection of cheese for our little men. They were out of the office today, but it was beautiful just to drive through and see the land. 

 We live near a beautiful lake and the sun was shining so beautifully while we crossed the bridge. I wanted to stop to take some more pictures but cars were coming! 
 We don't ever really take selfies, but it was such a wonderful day and a picture together was a necessity! Plus, I decided we should take more together because he's pretty cute, and much cooler than I am.
 My pickings. I only picked from the already harvested fields. I went in and hunted for nice blooms that slipped through the harvesting process.
 Thank you, God, for letting us find a little patch of field before harvest time came! These few pictures will be a memory this Momma has forever!

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