Saturday, March 24, 2012

Yard Work

When we moved into our home, we knew the front yard was going to be a huge undertaking at some point. And today the huge project began. What a big, hard, project! Those two massive bushes on either side of the stairs were the biggest pain to cut down and take out. They were completely dead except for 3-4 inches on the outside and they were so overgrown that we couldn't have trimmed them. So those had to come out. We really had no choice. Unfortunately, most of the bushes in our yard were never trimmed or taken care of and they grew so big that they choked each other and started to kill the bushes. We're going to try to take them out and transplant the ones that are salvageable.  Those were the first to come out, and then we will take other things out and trim the rest. I'm really excited to start fresh. It looks and feels so good. We also planted a line of bushes in our backyard between us and the neighbors for a cozier yard. And we are going to line our sidewalk with liriope plants which will be really nice.
 For these big bushes, we had to cut away at all the outer branches. That took such a long time, but it was my favorite project. Probably because it was nearly the only thing I was able to do. I couldn't do the heavy work, but I spent a lot of time chopping away at these bushes. I also weeded, made sure everyone was always hydrated and made a barbecue dinner for everyone. We had my parents, Mono and I, two of my parents friends and their two kids (the son helped us work all day today). So we did all the work, then I went inside, made dinner and we had an enjoyable time to rest and chat!
 And here is my little helper. He loved being outside, chewing on twigs, rolling in the grass... But he was hot and tired so he took a break.
 Here are some of the after pictures from when those monster bushes were finally removed...

 The liriope lining our walkway. We are going to make that a nice garden area!
 Beautiful sky tonight.
 The line of bushes making us have a start to a cozy backyar.

 And the before and after. It was a lot of work, yet it doesn't look like we did a whole lot!! I can't wait to get trimming!
 Everyone worked so hard today and I am so pleased at the end result. We still have a long way to go, but the hardest part is over! Now it's time to shower and rest!

162. family and friends helping give our yard a makeover
163. meeting new neighbors
164. springtime barbecues
165. painted nails
166. a small sip of Pepsi (I miss Pepsi!!!)

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