Friday, October 31, 2014

five things friday: momma favorites

Good morning, ladies. And gents? Or ladies and my Hubs? *wink*
Join me for my Five Things Friday featuring current Momma favorites!

I may or may not still be in this same outfit as yesterday...which was the same outfit as the day before...and it is possible the day before's outfit as well. But I can't really remember that far back. I'm just keeping it real here.

For this Friday's edition, I am sharing five of my current faves as a mom.

1. Enfamil to go. If they had these when I had the boys I totally did not know about them! It makes life on the go, especially with my hands full with two toddlers as well, so so much easier. I don't have to worry about lugging along icepacks to keep formula cold, which then also makes for an unhappy baby girl, who prefers warm drinks. I can fill her bottles with pre-warmed water and then just pop in a packet of her formal already measured and ready to go! It's a mini lifesaver!

2. I never go out on my own, without the Hubs or kiddos in tow. That's not a complaint, it's just a fact. I am a homebody and most of my friends don't live nearby so I'm usually enjoying time at home with the fam. But this one particular night I needed to get out and I had errands that had to be run. The Hubs happily offered to watch the three littles for me while I headed out. So, out I went. One of my stops was Home Goods. While I was there I perused through the children's section and I found a little goodie to bring home to my little ones; the book Wherever You Are My Love Will Find You. I had seen this book before, but never opened it. Y'all, I'm in love. It is the sweetest book by Nancy Tillman. I can't wait to get my hands on her other books.

3. I have worn these bracelets for each of my kiddos almost every day since they were each born. I love them. They are thin and simple and each gold disc has their initials on it. I may have to think of using names that start with G, W, or Z again so I don't have an armful of bracelets. ;) I gave my best friend one with a J on it and she is able to use it for both of her little guys, and maybe her third too! She's having baby three and I am oh so excited! When I was pregnant with Zelie, I knew I loved that name, but it wasn't something we decided 100%, but one day while I was walking by the store I bought the G and W at, I thought I'd pop by and see if they just so happened to have a Z. When I went in to check, they didn't, but they offered to check all the other stores in the country and only one store had one Z left. I had them order it via phone for me and it was at that point that I was certain we'd have a Zelie. I love these bracelets because they are constant reminders of my little loves. 

4. These magnetic locking devices are fabulous. I wish I had just invested in them from the get go. I cannot stand those regular cabinet safety locks you put on drawers and cabinets. Whether it be the exterior slide locks on double cabinets or the little hooks that you slightly open doors and drawers and then have to stick your finger in to push down. We have both of those everywhere in our home and they are the death of me. But now the boys learned how to open those so I was desperate for a more toddler proofing option and that is when I discovered these. I am a much happier and frazzled momma knowing my cabinets are still safe and in turn, the little guys are safe. We only have locks on places they can harm themselves, like knives, chemical detergents, etc. Do yourself a favor and just get these from the start! You'll save money and work in the long run by not having to buy two different sets. 

5. When Gus and Will were born we did everything to get them to both sleep and stay asleep. They were swaddled, held a certain way, rocked... you name it. They also slept with a sound machine. It would help when one boy woke up at random so the other baby had a chance of not being disturbed. It has really helped even to this day when they sleep, at nap time and overnight. As it turned out, it has helped their sister very much too. Since the boys use our only sound machine, I decided I'd try out an app on my old iPod so I didn't have to bother buying a new machine and it also is a lot more convenient since it is portable and can go anywhere. I can bring it in the car with me which has been a great lifesaver at times on longer drives or long days of errands. I also have the app on my phone in case I need it while out and I don't have my iPod on hand. This is the one I downloaded, but any sound app would work. Zelie's favorite is Calm Rainfall. 

So, these are some random current faves that revolve around my life as Momma to my two little men and sweet baby girl. What are some current momma musts in your life? Or, if you aren't a momma, what are some of your musts that you love on a daily or regular basis?

And, Happy Halloween everyone! I will be back with a little recap on our little's first Halloween!


  1. I love that book! Wish I had the board book for the girls, though (they are tough on books, so we keep most of the "paper page" ones away from their book bins (we have a bin in every room... literally)

    For my birthday, Shaun got me three Alex & Ani bracelets in my children's birthstones to add to my birthstone from last year. I am actually not a big jewelry wearer (admirer yes, wearer no), but these I love. Of course the girls are constantly asking to wear them now, so I'm getting lots of lessons in sharing.

    I totally need those magnetic locks... but I'm afraid that I'll lose the lock! They get into everything! Wish the lock had a way to go on c a key chain or something.

    Sound machines are in every room of our house as well. Great idea with the app, though! Would never have thought of that!

    1. Marijanna, I know EXACTLY what you mean with the paper page books. We have a few out, but it has to be really monitored!! They get a little too "excited" with paper sometimes. ;) We've even had board books pass on. :( I love the idea of the birthstone Alex + Ani bracelets! It's a good thing your twins will have the same month! ;) Okay, so the magnetic lock thing, it has a hole on the "key" that you can put on a key ring! That is what I did! I have it on a ribbon for now and I keep it on a hook in the kitchen. I want to see if they just sell the magnets OR I can just buy a heavy duty magnet to have a couple back ups. :) If you do get them, go on Amazon. They are cheaper. :/ Love you, sweet Momma!

  2. I so need those magnetic locking devices!!! Its been a few years since we baby proofed so this is a huge help!! Thanks!

    And we use the sound machine too!! We have it on ocean waves. Its more like white noise lol doesn't really sound like true waves but it helps drown out the crazy noise from this chaotic house!

    1. Kelly, get the locks on Amazon. They are cheaper than they sell in stores that way! :) My pack came with 9 locks I think. Only one key, but I am thinking I can get extra heavy duty magnets or something as back ups. :) And I'd prefer the waves myself on a sound machine. ;) The boys prefer white noise and Zelie rain. ;) Gus prefers the sounds of a fan. lol
