Oh, it is such a beautiful morning outside! In the low 70's, with the warm sun, and a slight breeze. The birds are chirping and the breeze is swaying our wind chimes so they sing to me!
I was out earlier with Jimmy and was wishing I could have stayed out for a longer period of time.
If my computer wasn't in need of being plugged in for charging (I had it in bed in the wee hours of the morning when I couldn't sleep so it ran out of battery), I'd be sitting out there while I blog.
All is quiet in the house right now and I have Jimmy sitting right beside my gorilla foot as I write.
I'd take a picture of that foot of mine for a pregnancy update, but I don't want to scare anyone. It's not such a pretty sight. Even though having only one foot swollen makes me look lopsided, I am glad it is just one and not both. At least I still have one semi-nice looking ankle left... for now.
Mami, Bello, and Bella are visiting us for a while and we have really been enjoying their stay. It is always so, so nice to have family here visiting. Lots of house projects have been going on, and will probably continue through their visit. Bello seems to know how to do a bit of everything and we have gotten things in great need of fixing, done and like new! But for now, everyone is asleep, and it is just me and the J.
I'm 30 weeks today, which really excites me! That means the boys arrival will be here somewhat soon! I think it really just hit me, like really hit me, that life will be forever changed and we will have two little guys here with us. I knew life would change and I knew they'd be coming, both things I am excited for and looking forward to, but it hadn't really hit me up until now.
I had my first dream of them last night and I loved it. I can't fully remember the details, but it went from when they were first born until maybe they were about 1-2 months old and we went to visit Mono at work. I loved those little guys so much in my dream, so I cannot even imagine how much I will love the real thing!
I go back to the doctor on Thursday and we will find out how big the boys are! I am really looking forward to that. I want to see if they are still quite a bit ahead of the growing schedule.
I am also curious to see how much weight I have gained. Mono thinks my belly gets bigger each and every day. I think he may be right.
Thankfully besides my gorilla foot, most all of the weight has gone to my stomach. I have a feeling with one and a half to two months left, I am going to reach quite the number on the scale! haha. I'm not too worried. In time, I'll get somewhat back to normal... hopefully.
So far you're not seeing where the title of this post had anything to do with what I am writing, but now you'll see.
Do you ever find yourself complaining (even if it is just to yourself) about things in life that are really not that bad, but know of others who really have something to complain about?
I have found myself doing that, not just while being pregnant, but it comes out even more now.
I'm huge. I'm incredibly uncomfortable at times, my back and hip are killing me, I can't sleep a wink, heart burn... the list goes on. But why do I moan to myself about those things when within a few weeks, it will all be worth it to have our boys with us.
But even still... even if this wasn't coming to an end. So what! Big deal my hip hurts. Big deal I have heart burn.
In the past 3-4 weeks or so, our really good friend had a serious accident, leaving him nearly fully paralyzed and he fights back with all of his strength each day to recover... He has something to complain about.
I know of a young man in the military, who was recently married, only about 24 years old, that was overseas for a mere 3 days before being killed in the line of duty... His family has something to complain about.
I know of a young man in the military, who was recently married, only about 24 years old, that was overseas for a mere 3 days before being killed in the line of duty... His family has something to complain about.
A young wife and mother of 3, losing her horrible battle to cancer... Her husband, children, and family have something to complain about.
A young man, around 30 or so, again, losing his battle to cancer... His family and friends have something to complain about.
People diagnosed with horrible sicknesses... They have something to complain about.
It goes on and on.
But me? Why am I complaining, when my "ailments" are so petty and so temporary?
I have to remember what people are going through before I complain and moan about how hard it is to turn over at night.
How ridiculous of me!
Just one more thing to add to my very long list of my incredible weaknesses!
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