Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Little Bit of Everything 319.365

Is it horrible to say I just want to get my jammies on and curl up on the couch at only 1:44 in the afternoon? The thermometer in my car is lying to me saying it is a beautiful 68 degrees. Well it's not actually saying it's a beautiful 68 degrees, but it my opinion, that's near the perfect temperature. Today is all but the perfect temperature. It is cold and damp… curling up on the couch type of weather. I have a few semi-important errands to run, but I just don't have it in me. How sad is that? I went out for Mass and when I came back in, I decided I didn't want to leave. I am still getting over my bronchitis and it hasn't fully detached itself from me so I think it is best to just stay in anyway.

I miss Aruba very much. It's not just because of this dreary day though. I've been missing it for a while. The warm breeze, sunny days, soft sand under my toes and crystal clear aqua water. I long to live near the beach. It's my comfort zone. My element. My happy place. I mean, how can you not miss this place?
I was looking forward to the possibility of a trip to the beach in the beginning of March, just for a day or two, but that isn't going to be working out. I was going to run the half marathon at Seaside, but the day I went to register, they sold out. :( Real bummer. Today I ran anyway. Even though I had no goal in sight, I put my running clothes on, went into our garage/basement and ran 3 miles on the treadmill. That's no way near the 13.1 I'd need to perform for a half, but it was pretty darn good for the shape I am in, and just coming out of a bad case of bronchitis.

Are some people really as dumb and incapable of doing their job as they seem? Today I had to make a call and I explained myself to one lady, she needed to take a message to pass along to someone else. I was short and clear in what I needed. The lady that called me back was completely getting what I needed wrong. Then I re-clarified myself. She still wasn't getting me. Again, I told her what I needed and the details she needed and you could tell it wasn't fully processing properly. To top it off, this is the manager of the place I was speaking to. Then I asked how soon this item could come in and she said, "oh really pretty quickly!!!" So I has asked about how soon that was and she said, "Well maybe 4-6, 7 or 8 weeks." I ended up telling her I'd have to go elsewhere if that were the case and I'd get back to her if I needed their services. Ugh. I felt like I had to do her job for her, explaining how to do things, what needed to be done, etc.

I'd really like to be able to stay in NY for like 5 days or nights come Christmas. I have so much I want to do! I want to spend time with my grandparents at their house. I want to visit Mono's great aunt and great uncle. I want to visit Jilly and Katie. Meet baby JJ. I want to go into NYC with my family… maybe two times if possible! And, to top it off, I'd love to stay a night or two in the city. In the heart of all the wonderful Christmas atmosphere that NYC explodes with. How can I possibly do it all? All this on top of our visit to MD with our family!

Is it too cheesy to take a Christmas card picture of just Gus and I? Okay, and maybe Jimmy. I like to have a pretty religious Christmas card, but I just love these picture card ideas I've either seen and thought of. It is probably a bit late to do it anyway.

I know we have gotten a lot done since we have moved in, and we have only been married about a month and a half, but it drives me nuts living in a house that's not done. I like things to be done in a house. I like things on the walls and that feeling of this is so cozy, it has a look, a feel. But our house is still not done. I'm dying for our wedding pictures to come so I can finally get some pictures on the walls. I would love to just make one big shopping trip and purchase what we need, hang things up, etc… But of course that can't happen. Little by little.
I made our bed this morning, first thing when I got up and I walked back in to see this:
 He knocked over the pillow to get in this spot. How cute. My little guy. He wants to be cozy, just like I do right now.

Can you believe Christmas is just about one month away!? I have soooo much to still do before Thanksgiving! This year we are having Thanksgiving at our house and I am so excited! Mono's Mom and Dad are coming into town at the end of this week and I am really looking forward to that! I want to get a lot done before their arrival though. Yesterday I had it written on my to do list to run errands as well as get things done at home, but I ended up having to deal with the goings on of my bridesmaids dress #1 issue still. That stole a few hours out of my afternoon. And then this afternoon I didn't run them either because I am too lazy. Hate to admit that. Then tomorrow I have a long list of places I will be going, lazy or not. Then in the evening Mono and I have to finish up some projects. Thursday is a big clean-out/organize the upstairs day. And then Friday is up in the air due to the possibility of getting my hair done. Mono and I both need work on our hair, but we have to go back up to my parents for that. I can't find out our date until Thursday morning. And then the great arrival of Mami and Papi is Saturday! 

Oh my! And on Sunday I am going to Nashville! Not only just to see Nashville, but I am getting to see the Radio City Rockettes!!! I am insanely excited. This Sunday will definitely be the best kickoff to the season of two amazing holidays! Nothing beats seeing them at their home in Radio City, but this will more than suffice! They are my favorite and I truly turn into a little girl with excitement! I will get nicely dressed up, and the excitement will pour over into the next few days weeks! It's like the excitement of going to Disney! Possibly even better being that it is Christmas related!

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