Pictures from our day, along with what I am thankful for...
My project that I had been working on... A chalkboard wall for the kitchen, holding our meal list nicely!
1... Being married to my wonderful husband, Mono (We had such a beautiful wedding day and I am thankful for that too.) For all the fun, laughs and good times we have. To know that we have an entire lifetime ahead of us (unlike the 72 day lifetime we've been hearing about lately - ugh) to make memories and grow our lives together.
2... My family; parents, grandparents, and extended family. I am thankful that both of our families have blended together so well. You cannot tell the separation. They all get along so nicely. It's such a warm and comforting feeling.
3... My friends, both near and far, forever friends and brand new. I am thankful to be able to say I am still just as close friends with my friend since the day I was born. 25 years and counting. For my best friend in Chicago, even though we are so far away and rarely get to see each other, that we are still the best of friends. For Jilly, who has been a friend since the day I was born as well, and even after years past of not being in touch, we have picked up like there was no time lost. And for all the new friends I am growing friendships with in my new home, I can't wait to see where God takes us!
My cheese platter. I seriously love cheese!

4... My amazing and beautiful home. A furnished one at that! To have a warm home that is pretty much project free at this point. And even for the bills to pay for this house. It means we have the ability to live in a home like this and for that I am thankful for.

5... My Jimmy Boy. I waited 19 years for a little dog, and he was worth the long and grueling wait. He's my little buddy that keeps me company throughout the day. I don't know what I would do with out my little cuddly boy.
Silverware, passed down to me from previous generations. I cherish these and was sooo thrilled to use them for Thanksgiving.
6... My Faith. For the gift of being born into a family that taught me to live my Faith as the most important part of my life. To live in a place that allows me to freely live it out, a place that helps me grow daily.7...My knowledge of all my weaknesses and wrong-doings in life. If it wasn't for this knowledge, I wouldn't ever know how to improve and be a better person in life.
Place settings at our loooong table
8... The talents and gifts God gave me and my ability to use them.
Our turkey was soooo good. Flavorful, juicy... Yumm.
9... My camera. I just love having such a nice camera. I love learning new techniques to become better at taking photos. It's something I really love to do and I am thankful I have some really good equipment.
His first year carving the turkey for our family! He did a wonderful job.
10... Chocolate milk... and for a husband that makes the best ice cold glass of it that I've ever had.
I loved this salad. REALLY loved. Lettuce, pomegranate seeds, chopped pistachios, bleu cheese... And I made a homemade balsamic dressing... I wish I could have some more right now.
And 11 (just because I want to be a little different)... Vacations to the beach. Times by the water, with sand under my feet, the sound of waves crashing on the shore, the rays of sun warming my skin and breathing in the ocean air, make me happiest. I am in my element when I am there. I am relaxed, happy and love life completely when I have opportunities to travel there.
I am thankful for a lot more than just these 11 things, but there you have it! I hope you all had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving with your loved ones. I am exhausted and all I want to do is curl up in my jammies and watch a movie... but we are going shopping tonight. At 10pm. I have never done this before in the 25 years I've been alive and I am not sure I ever want to do it again. I guess that will be fully determined when I see what I do or do not come home with. ;)
One of our pies! We had caramel, pecan, apple and pumpkin.
On Wednesday night after everyone was done in the kitchen, I spent some time with my mixer. Isn't she pretty?
I made two cheese quiches for our Thanksgiving breakfast. I really love my Grandma's quiche.
Hope you and your family had a blessed and happy Thanksgiving!
Beautifully delicious! Ginny