This blanket has found it's special place in our new home.
Here is the story behind the blanket that I love so dearly.

I will never forget this day... or his entrance into my life.
Mono's family became mine nearly right from the very start. I had met his Mom and Grandma already, but never my dear Bello, his grandfather. I am not sure anyone has ever made quite the entrance into my life as Bello did. I'm also pretty sure there will never be another one like it.
He flew his plane into town. Mom, Dad, Mono, Mami and Bella all drove with me (I was so excited) to the little airport to greet the arriving white and red plane. Bello landed and I saw him standing there and I ran across the runway (all was safe) and gave him a huge hug! He presented me with a gift...
Yes, that gift was my blanket. It is so special to me. He didn't even know this, but growing up, I was very close to my Grandma. At Gram's house she always had crocheted blankets on the couch. I loved them dearly. After she died, those blankets found new homes... and none of them were able to make it my way. Those blankets meant something to me and I wished so much just for one more of those afghans.
So when Bello came to meet me for the very first time (that alone won my heart) and gave me an afghan, my heart was filled! It was almost like my Grandma sending me a little gift through my new grandparents. I know if Gram and Grandpa were alive, they would have become dearest of friends with Bello and Bella. I just know it!
Bello and Bella have both touched my heart and my life in so many ways. More than they even know. I miss my Grandma and Grandpa so, so much, and I never thought anything could ever come close to filling that void. And my Nana and Popa live far away and are unable to visit us so far away. Grandparents are so dear to me (ask Mono!) and though no one can replace Grandma and Grandpa... or bring Nana and Popa closer so we could visit more... Bello and Bella have sure filled a void with great joy and immense love.
They are not Mono's grandparents anymore, but our grandparents and I am so blessed to be able to call them mine.
So my blanket from Bello and Bella is now sitting on our couch in our new home, waiting for us to move in so I can cuddle up with it.
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