It's Sunday morning, our second morning here in paradise. Yes, that's right, we're in paradise for the next few days. Our morning started out with going to Church and heading home to pick everyone else up to head to the bakery for breakfast.
There are no bakery pictures, but I am sure that won't be our last trip. Maybe I'll get better pictures to share then. Right near the bakery is the Biltmore hotel... gor-ge-ous!

I loved having four beautiful girls to take pictures of in such a gorgeous place. For some reason, the pictures are not as crisp as I would have liked. I'll have to figure out what was up tomorrow when I take more pictures. These poor people that travel with me. I'm like the stinkin' paparazzi. Seriously. By picture 324235 they are like "I'm seriously going to shoot you if you keep shooting pictures of me!"
For now, enjoy the pictures they all allowed me to take! We'll start of with Neijra!

Irma nestled into the palm trees. Have I ever told you how much I love her and love palm trees?! Now putting them together... awesomeness!
Ines, testing out smile one and smile two. Gotta love a girl that has two signature smiles to let me capture!
Oh and Meemsy... well she just looooveeees it when I take her picture. She is so photogenic and even asks me to take pictures. She has a good eye too. Quite creative!
My sisters! Love them!
Nahida looking lovely amidst the palm trees.
I love these two ladies! Mom and Nahida. Mom isn't big on getting her picture taken so enjoy the few I was allowed to capture.

There is some serious love going on here.
Ines really liked these trees!
Loving these girls.
A flower for her babe.
See what I mean by the love? She is his shadow.
There is some love here too! ;)
Two stylish gals! Look at the poses! I really love the picture of Neijra. It's definitely going in a frame!
More creative poses from Meemsy!
Posed and candid.
Love this place! (Note: Looking stylish and beautiful as always... - Irm)
All posed. And yes, the holding hands was my idea. I'm not sure it was appreciated by many. Just Meemsy because she got to hold Gussy's hand. ;)
My Monito and I. I love him.
Me again. Normally I'm behind the camera, but in such a beautiful place, I was welcoming the thought of being in some of them.
I love, love, love these leaves! I have to find out what this plant is and if it can grow back home! Purple and green! It could only get better if it was purple and aqua.
I wish I could have gotten a better shot of the picture on the top right. I would have loved a closer shot. Love this of the six of us.
Gussy and Meemsy.
Planking!!!! Oh Mono, you make me laugh.
Twins! Wouldn't it be just great to be a twin. How lucky these two are.
They are so beautiful. Notice there is only one smile going on here for Ines... She decided this was the better one. I think she looks cute. :) But they both do. Any smile, on either girl... I just love seeing a smile on their faces. It's good to see.
My very patient peeps waiting for me to show my Mom how to use the camera to capture my shot!
And here we go. This was the best we could do. I wish it was closer and clearer, but it's awesome and I was so happy! Thanks you guys! You made my day!
We found The Little Flower Church!! So beautiful! Mono and I have a special place in our hearts for St. Therese... plus we are getting married on her feast day, so it is extra special!
Ellie, this picture is for you!! I had to get a picture because it made me think of you!
This was Meemsy's new ride! Cute!
We had a great day today. We spent a lot of time at the pool today. Tomorrow is the 4th of July so there will be lots of fun festivities to enjoy. And more pictures, of course!!
Tonight Irm and I baked cupcakes. They are boxed... You know I never do that. I hope they still taste yummy! I am sure they will. We had a lot fun making them and that is all that matters. They were supposed to be red, but they are on the pinkish side. Does that happen to you? I can never seem to get them a true red color. Oh well.
I can't wait for tomorrow! I'll blog about all the holiday festivities tomorrow night or on Tuesday!
Good night all and have a safe and happy 4th!
Foxtail palms...that's the name of that palm tree
ReplyDeleteNevermind...that's the tree in the pic above...I'm not sure of the purple ones ,but I remember growing up having them near.