Thursday, June 9, 2011

This is What Happens When You Can't Sleep

A random blog post pops up when you can't sleep...
I've laid here, tossing and turning and now I can't take it any longer.
I've said my prayers, listened to a new homily, reflected on my day and put some thoughts together for the new day ahead of me.
Not sure what else to do, besides blog... or take some Benadryl. 
That's my last resort though.
I've gone over recent blog posts over on some of my favorite sites.
I've spent time pinning over at Pinterest.
I've checked Facebook and my e-mail for anything new coming in.
I'm too tired to turn lights on and clean or get things done, though it wouldn't be a bad idea.
I'm just too tired though.
Why is that, you're tired, but can't sleep?
Awful... especially when the alarm will be ringing before 7am.
Tomorrow is going to be a busy day too; I'll need my energy.
First up, baking a (hopefully) delicious dessert for tomorrow night's guests.
Ride to the city to see my people and go to Church, run a few errands and go to a meeting.
Back home, help with dinner and then possibly go to the gym.
Ugh, speaking about the gym... I've been working out trying to work out a little bit for a little something that's coming up on October 1st. ;)
I am sooooo not a gym-goer. 
Mono and I are members at the local fitness center to use the pool, track, etc.
I recently started going in the gym section and apparently I messed up my calf.
Being that I can barely touch my calf right now, I'm not sure how much exercising I will be able to go do tomorrow, but I'd at least like to walk so I am not giving up on my schedule.
I talked to one of the trainers there and she said I can at least get out and walk and to talk to her again later this week and she'll see if I hurt something or just aggravated it.
I'm so out of shape... it's quite laughable.
At least I am trying, right.
Oh wait.
I can't say the t word.
As Yoda teaches, "Do or do not. There is no try."
Yes, thank you Mono for reminding me about that yesterday. ;)
Speaking of my Mono.
Tomorrow he is going out for the day in this sweltering heat to volunteer his time to help the local victims of the recent tornadoes.
Proud of my guy.
Though everyone should be out helping... including myself.
I'm hoping to go with him again.
I think he has three days to go out.
Tomorrow I have a meeting so I can't make it, but hopefully one of the next times out.
It's amazing the amount of work that still needs to be done, even after all the incredible work they are doing.
Gosh, they were even working on Memorial Day (the entire weekend).
As the cleanup continues, scenery is really changing... and I don't like it.
Good luck to Mono and all the other guys and gals heading out from his work tomorrow to help our fellow Alabamians.
We finally have our engagement session booked!
I am beyond excited with a touch of nervousness.
I'm usually behind the camera.
That's where I am comfortable.
How do I know how to act in front of it?
Thankfully we have an amazing photographer so I know we'll ultimately be okay. :)
It will be tons of fun though.
We just have to pick out the right location.
I can't wait!
Oh this is fun.
It's nearing 1am... and I am still awake.
Maybe I should put this away and give it another go.
Hopefully you won't have another random blog post to read tonight. ;)
One is enough to handle. Right? 

Good night... hopefully!

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