Thursday, May 5, 2011

Up And At 'Em!

I am back home after a long, busy, but wonderful trip up north. It is always so nice to visit family and friends. There's nothing like it! This trip was full of visits from a quick stop to see my best friend... just to chat and catch up, to seeing family that I haven't seen in months and months and won't see again for months and months. We saw extended family, some of whom I hadn't seen since I was a little girl. And of course, we saw the regulars. ;) I love our regulars. :)
Besides wonderful visits with friends and family, I was quite busy with the wedding plans. I had what felt like a thousand phone calls to make, meetings to go to and decisions to make. I still did not get it all done. There is never enough time. I am really struggling to find hair and makeup for the amount of girls we have, in the budget we have. I thought I had one person set and I was going to send a check out to hold the date today and I found out last night that they booked that date for someone else. I just can't keep up. Plus, while we were gone we had the devastating tornadoes rip through our local town, and possibly smaller ones through our own yard. Coming home last night to a property that does not look the same is a strange feeling. It's discomforting to know what happened here at home, but even though nothing looks the same, it's nice to be back here. 
Tomorrow is a fun, but very busy day and I have a lot leading up to it. Today I have some important banking to get done, bills to pay since we were away, thank you's to write to people, a luggage to unpack, 2 refrigerators to clean out and wash (plus the floor under it since stuff leaked out onto the floor), plus a whole lot more! There is so much to do... all before about 3 o'clock. Plus, I have to catch up on posting my blogs on here. I wasn't able to write every day, but I have pictures from the trip. Nothing great; they were more like just quick captures of fun moments. 
So, it's nearly 8 o'clock and the list is still rather long so I better be going. I'll catch up here after I cross everything off on my list today. If not tomorrow, then over the weekend.
Have a beautiful, sunshiny day!

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