Many years ago a dear friend gave me this precious little doll. I have treasured her since the very day she became mine. I used to keep her in my room, but now she sits on my white shelf with all my other special little pieces. Don't you just love her? She is so delicate and looks like a little princess from the sea! (Thank you Ellie! I think of you every time I look at her... and that is daily!)
I have figurines of little children holding seashells and baskets full of little treasures. There are white starfish varying in size. Little wooden painted and distressed signs that spell out my favorite place to go. There truly are many gifts from the sea. Having all this surround me each morning makes me wish I could wake up and truly be at the beach. I would get ready and take a walk down to the water, sit on the sand and say my prayers, write in my journal or letters to dear friends. I would sit down there and have little picnics or even just sit there and take in all the senses.

I collect little aqua glass dishes, vases, etc that either sit their just for their own beauty or hold beautiful seashells from the ocean. There are pictures from past vacations to favorite beaches. And my Swarovski crystal dolphin that I got when I graduated high school even finds itself on my special shelf. A lot of people may think it is weird to have such treasured items in my bathroom but I truly love my little getaway.
Pictures upon pictures, seashells in glass jars, the scent of fresh pineapple floating throughout, teal candles and sea grass pop up all over... and even my little smiling dolphin that my sister made me years ago in ceramics class has its home in there (Thank you Irm!). I love that little dolphin (Dolphins are my favorite! I even swam with them years ago!) and I see it's smile and think of her each and every time.
Do you have a different little corner in your house that holds special memories?
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