Today I spent the morning with my friend, Katie. She was my very first friend I have EVER had, and not just my very first friend, but my very first best friend. She is still that same special kind of friend that everyone wishes they could have up to even this very day. We’ve been friends for 8932 days! That’s 771,724,800 seconds! Crazy, huh!?

No matter how many of those days passed that we haven’t talked on the phone or online, we always pick right back up, as if not a day passed. Being that we live so far away, visits like this are far and few between, and not always long, but I cherish each and every second of it.
So today she drove to my grandparents house (since no car was available for me to meet her) and we spent some time chatting with my Mom (who was the only one home at the time) and we looked at her wedding album and scrapbook she put together from her honeymoon and then, off we went! By the way, she has the most beautiful and unique wedding album I’ve seen! Plus she was a breathtaking bride!

Last night, Katie asked me where I’d like to go for breakfast and missing a good New York bagel as much as I do, I asked if it would be okay to go to the bagel shop. And so we did! Now, I always have a hard time deciding what bagel to get and what do I want on it. You may not think it’s a hard choice, but when there are a few dozen choices, it makes it difficult for a girl like me. Today I chose an egg bagel, pretty quickly too! The hard part was what I wanted on it. With egg bagels, I like cream cheese and butter. Which to choose. I hesitantly chose cream cheese, wondering if I made the right choice. Next up, Katie! And she orders, egg bagel, with one side butter and one side cream cheese! May I just say, GENIUS!!

After all these years torturing myself over what to get, she had the simplest answer of them all, a little of each.

She said that was the result of many times not being able to making up her mind. Apparently, she has had the very same problem many times in the past, and one day, decided to try that… and… it was heavenly! Neither of us cared about the one million calories it probably had. All that was on our minds was soaking up each minute together and having a ton of fun…and of course, how delicious our calorie soaked bagels were! We laughed about old times, caught each other up with some new stories from recent happenings in our lives, etc… And once time was starting to run out, we left the shop and she drove me back here to the house and more of my family was here, so we chatted some more. I heard some stories that I’ve heard before, but still love, like the day she got engaged. I will never forget when I got the call. She had been waiting so patiently… well kinda…

for him to propose and all she wanted to do was marry him. And I heard some stories that were brand new. And, after those few stories once we got back home, she had to leave. It was real sad to see her go. :/ Even though it was too short of a visit, it was so enjoyable! It felt like not a day had gone by that we hadn’t talked. She is my forever friend and I look forward to the next visit together! Hopefully next time, Jay and Katie, Gus and I can all go out together for dinner or something. It would be a lot of fun.
Katie is a beautiful woman, not only on the outside, but even more, on the inside. She is beautiful, creative, smart, kind, sweet, talented, happy, genuine and lots of fun… Anyone that is blessed to have her in their life is a lucky person. She is truly a gift to me and I love her dearly.
Now, after my whole talk about my morning with Katie, it feels like I should be at the end of my day already… but I have more to say!

Lucky you! First of all, back up to yesterday. After two flights and an extremely long and boring layover (about 5 hours due to problems with the plane) I arrived on Long Island and my beautiful aunt picked me up. We had a fun car ride coming in to my grandparents house, talking, laughing, the whole bit and then when we got here, I visited for a while and then my parents and I met up with my god-father, aunt and cousin for pizza. I always enjoy seeing them, but again, the visits are just too short. We had a really nice time at dinner, catching up, swapping stories, etc. My uncle was on a break from work so when it was time for him to leave, we all headed on our own ways. We spent some more time with Nana and Popa in the evening and then I had to get to bed early. I was running on three hours of sleep and I was exhausted!! This morning was breakfast with Katie. Aunt Liz came in again today (my aunt that picked me up at the airport) and she took Mom and I too All American for a burger and we sat in the car, talked and called my other aunt… kinda like a family reunion in a car on the phone! haha- And back home we came. Mom and I ran errands today and when we got back to the house we had dinner with Nana and Popa and my Uncle Al (Popa’s brother). My Dad has been up in Massachusetts all day visiting a friend of ours, and another one of my uncles. So it’s been a busy and full day of visiting for all of us. Dad is on his way home now and in the morning we head to the beautiful state of Maryland, which also means, one day closer to seeing Mono.

Tonight we are just hanging out with Nana and Popa and packing up our things for tomorrow. It has been a real quick visit for me, but a very nice one. I wish there was more time to see more people, but what we’ve had has been lovely.
I’ll be back soon NY!
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