1. Go to Italy, see all the sights I love!
2. Paint two large paintings and dare to be not so detailed!
3. Knit a sweater
4. Start a website for my designs
5. Find a hairstyle to liven up my look
6. Get in shape a little bit more…tone up
7. Find a really nice pair of sunglasses (that I can afford… unlike the Vera Bradley or even worse, Tiffany’s, ones I like!)
8. Buy the perfect navy blue wool coat (and maybe a deep yellow one too!)
9. Pay off my computer
10. Once my computer is paid off, save for a really good camera
11. Get on a good routine of getting to bed and waking up at the same time each night, and keep to it for a few months minimum
12. Take my vitamins, all of them, every day, again for a few months minimum
13. Learn how to cook a dozen new delicious meals
14. Learn how to not be afraid to sing just for the fun of it – out loud!
15. Become more simplified and organized
16. Become and feel settled somewhere
17. Go to 2 states that I have never been to before.
18. Work on my blog and actually write interesting things in it so people like reading it and keep with it
19. Get engaged!!!
20. Depending on the timing of #19, get married and have a little home of my own to set up and decorate my way!
21. Take one class to learn something new
22. Go back to Discovery Cove
23. Go on a fun vacation with my sisters
24. Volunteer at a soup kitchen and if I could find something like an orphanage, that too!!!
25. Tour all the monuments in D.C.
26. Design, Bake and Decorate a cake – and not just a rinky dink one out of a box/can – for someone
27. Pay for the person behind me in a line at a drive through or toll
28. Help a family in need
29. Be comfortable and feel beautiful in my own skin
30. Visit my two best friends (NY and IL)
31. Pick my Spanish back up to be able to converse more
32. Buy Katie a real Thomas Kinkade painting for her home like I always promised her as a little girl
33. Do something I am a little scared of.
34. Become more on time and have better time management
35. Be a more gentle hearted person
36. Frame a painting or photograph I am proud to have taken or painted.
37. Finish my recipe book
38. Learn how to cook at Cookology!
39. Find the perfect pair of jeans!
40. Find the perfect pair of shoes (they have to be flat and wide – and cute of course!)
41. Find a pair of pearl earrings that won’t fall off my ears (from the backs coming off)
42. Buy the perfect thin silver bangle bracelet
43. Visit family in Bosnia
44. Figure out a way to help myself get good night’s rest instead of being so restless
45. Go somewhere for a day for the sole purpose of taking pictures, of buildings, people, anything that catches my eye!
46. Hug a monkey
47. Take stitches out (again)
48. Organize all the letters I have saved from the years of writing back and forth with Kathleen ( best friend in Chicago)
49. Horseback ride on the beach, in the Caribbean preferably!
50. Figure out how to control my headaches
51. Make a book of all the little random helpful tips and hints in life
52. Go to another concert (country?)
53. Go to a Hockey Game
54. Go to a Soccer Game
55. Go skiing with mono and my uncle
56. Go on a big family vacation
57. Spend a weekend in a quaint new england sea town
58. be able to have spending money again
59. learn to whistle
60. see a movie being filmed
61. go to grand canyon with my mom and dad
62. Learn how to make the flowers that decorate wedding cakes
63. Walk for a cure
64. Get two new camera lenses (after I get a camera of course!)
65. Learn how to take better photographs, from a photographer I admire (preferably Megan Beth! Check her work out by the way!)
66. Have a structured and organized little business.
67. Bake Mono N.Y. black and white cookies
68. Make an edible and artistic fruit tart with the nice apricot glaze
69. Work harder on becoming more of a patient person
70. Deal with stress better
71. Learn more about History
72. See Tim McGraw and Faith Hill in concert
73. Have a nice breakfast in bed
74. Grow an herb garden
75. Wake up with a more lively and joyful outlook on life each day
76. Go on a real picnic, with a blanket and basket…the whole works
77. Dance at my wedding…and a friends.
78. Make a portfolio of my favorite pieces of work
79. Own a nice Burberry purse
80. Own a satchel style purse
81. Perfect my pizza – so it tastes more like a NY one. I’d love to work in a pizzeria for a day.
82. Find ways for my joints not to hurt as much.
83. Fill all my picture frames
84. Have a romantic -SUPER memorable – moment
85. Hit a baseball… really hit it.
86. Figure out my favorite movie
87. Paint my own version of a famous piece of work
88. Add 10 movies to my chick flick collection
89. Go on some sort of real road trip.
90. Own, wear and be able to pull off a sparkly shirt
91. Buy Mono an awesome watch…or a hockey jersey, or both!
92. Perfect my own sweet tea
93. Ride Dumbo during the fireworks show at Disney.
94. Visit a botanical garden
95. Make it a habit to make my bed every morning
96. Design and sew a quilt
97. Complete a coloring book
98. Work on improving my posture
99. Carve my name in a tree
100. See the Eiffel Tower
101. Finish this and write another list of 101 things to do in 1001 days