This is the BuMpIeSt flight I’ve ever been on and ever hope to be on again!!!!!!!!!! I am dying here. I am glad I can type with my eyes closed because THEY ARE!!!!! We are flying through a bad storm ad we have to get though it… hopefully pretty fast. Mono has his hands up like he is on a troller coaster. He thinks this is pretty cool…. I think it is super freaky!!! Okay, I can open my eyes now. We seem to be through it – for now!
So, Mono and I are on our way to spend a week or so with my best friend and her family. I am super excited to be going up there again. I haven’t been to Chicago in over two years!! We have lots to catch up on and LOTS to do!
There is this new thing at the Sears Tower (well, it’s no longer the Sears Tower, but I don’t know its new name. It will always be the Sears Tower to me)… It’s a glass box that sticks out of the side of the building. I am really looking forward to going there one of the days we are in the city. I’m not sure if I will be completely excited or I will freak out a little being that it looks like nothing is under me! What if it falls?
I will have to post about my trip while I’m up here or wait and have one long one when I get home. We shall see!!
So, this is random, but I have to tell you about the lovely adventures my new WHITE North Face fleece has had. It’s one of those soft fuzzy ones. Well it started out that I was up at Church one night and I had my arms leaning on my thighs and I ended up catching a glance of a now blue sleeve! The dye from my jeans bled onto my white fleece. The whole arm part that touched my jeans (from my elbow down) turned bright blue! I nearly died. I thought that was the end of my jacket. But thankfully after two washes pretty much all of it came out. It had a little down the seams, but that was a considerable amount faded compared to what it had been. I figured I could live with it. Then I talked to a friend of mine the next day to see if she knew of a trick how to get the rest of the dye out and she gave me some pointers. So the following day I went to the store to get what I needed. It wasn’t until later that night that I got it so I was going to wait until the next day to do anything with it. Now it is Monday and I was planning on running a few errands and having lunch with Mono, then heading back home to wash my fleece. Well, before I knew it, my nose started to bleed – pouring out all over my jacket!!!!!! ( Oh, peanut break!! ) So now I have blue dye from my jeans as well as blood. Thankfully when I got home I used the cleaners my friend told me to use and now… my jacket is back to it’s old self.